Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Meeting called to order by President, Jeremy Viers who also led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Members present were Scott Boyd, Randy Buehrer, Justin Coffman, Steve Mendez, Steve Schlosser, Andrew Skiles, Steve Suchocki, Jeremy Viers, Terry Bartel, Kevin Beck, Gale Horn, Tom Szymszak and Paul Zawodny.

Andy Skiles stated that the April and May Secretary's Report were not posted to the website due to his absence those months.   Tabled new member applications from May was Matt Zook and Matt Franzdorf and both were accepted.

Treasure, Justin Coffman gave Treasure's Report.  Motion by Steve Suchocki, 2nd by Steve Schlosser to accept with Motion passing after voice vote.  Hard copy attached.

Tabled for a month are new member applications from Brian Robinson, and Zachery Zampbell and Derek Beardsley from Bryan PD.

Gale Horn talked about the Henry won at the Friends of the NRA banquet to be offered at this year's retirement banquet.  250 tickets are available for sale at $10.00 each.
Jeremy Viers reminded members that tickets are now available for sale for the formal Captain Custar Retirement Banquet, October 8.  Tickets are available for $30.00 and are held by Stan Nihart, Jeremy Viers, Justin Coffman and Andy Skiles.
Tom Szymszak informed members that the Critical Incident Management Training is full and thanked everyone for getting involved and patient through the process.

Jeremy Viers requested members and officers of departments to be involved in a special softball game of officers playing against members of the Special Olympics team at Moore Park in Bryan, September 8.  Officers would meet at 5:30 with the game starting at 6.
Andy Skiles advised he had tickets available from the Williams County Mounted Patrol for a law enforcement special edition Henry 22 rifle.  Motion by Steve Suckocki to buy 20 tickets for $400.00.  2nd by Randy Buehrer with Motion passing after voice vote.
Motion by Jeremy Viers, 2nd by Scott Boyd to continue to give each member's child $50.00 for a fair project.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Motion by Steve Suchocki, 2nd by Steve Schlosser to buy a table for $500.00 for the Veteran's Ball, November 11.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Motion by Gale Horn to give AmVets $50.00 for their program to Honor 9/11 National Day of Service and Remembrance day.  2nd by Randy Buehrer with Motion passing after voice vote.  Programs will be held on Saturday 9/10 at 10:00 and all are wlcome to attend.
Justin Coffman gave update regarding the tile going across the bottom area of the property.  He has had some discussions with the county highway that water going across property may be coming from CR-3.  He'll do further checking.
Randy Buehrer gave update on zero turn mower and options to make a new purchase.  He indicated that the mower should last and didn't believe making a purchase would be a good idea.  Jeremy Viers said he bought a new wheel and connection but it would need to be put together.
Jeremy Viers also stated for this year's Cops with Kids, they might move to two groups due to the movie theatre having larger seats.  Will be looking into renting the offices next to theatre for the solicitor's to work from to collect donations.
District Representative, Mike Watkins was present and gave update on district news.

Motion to adjourn by Kevin Beck, 2nd by Terry Bartel with Motion passing after voice vote.

Minutes typed by Andy Skiles, Secretary

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