Tuesday August 22nd, 2017
Meeting called to order by Lodge President Jeremy Viers. The following members were present: Randy Buehrer, Justin Coffman, Ken Jacob, Jeremy Viers,
Terry Bartel, Gary Mohre, Stan Nihart, and Paul Zawodny. Tyson Wasilewski, Scott Boyd and John Doseck made request to be excused.
Motion by P. Zawodny and 2nd by R. Buehrer to accept the minutes as posted. Motion passed after voice vote.
Motion by T. Bartel and 2nd by R. Buehrer to accept the treasurer’s report. Motion passed after voice vote. Treasurer’s report is attached to hard copy.
No new members
President Viers gave thanks to all who helped with and attended the Family Day.
Reminder: FOP Raffle is Oct. 7th and we are down to about 25 tickets. S. Nihart asked members to get unsold tickets back to him A.S.A.P. Still need
volunteers to work at raffle and make final efforts to get door prizes. For your child to be eligible for the next FOP scholarship you and/or your spouse must
meet the requirement of completing a work project for or at the raffle.
Reminder: Golf outing is Saturday. Only a few teams have registered. Please contact P. Zawodny if you plan on having a team.
Motion by G. Mohre and 2nd by R. Buehrer to purchase a Rotary Auction ticket, $100, for their charity event. If the FOP ticket wins the car it will be used to
benefit the FOP and not the ticket holder representing the FOP. Motion passed after voice vote.
Motion by S. Nihart and 2nd by J. Coffman to donate $100 to children of FOP members of our Lodge that have 4-H animal projects at County Fairs. Motion passed
after voice vote.
Motion by R. Buehrer and 2nd by T. Bartel to affirm the property values and follow through with insurance contract with Andres 0’neil and Lowe as presented by
S. Nihart. Motion passed after voice vote.
Reminder: The FOP had purchased some reverse raffle tickets to benefit Head over Heels October 14th in West Unity. If you can attend and represent the FOP
please contact a Lodge Officer.
Motion to adjourn by R. Mohre and 2nd by K. Jacob. Motion passed after voice vote.
Minutes typed by,
Jeremy Viers, President
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