Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Meeting called to order by President Stan Nihart at the Lodge with the following members present:
Matt Arnold, Kevin Beck, Jennifer Bosiacki, John Doseck, Gale Horn, Gary Mohre, Randy Mohre, Bill Noethen, Tom Szymczak, Steve Towns, Matt Uran and Jim Walker.  Excused members were Jeff Arnold, Rachelle Delno and Jeff Ridgway.

Motion by G. Horn, 2nd by J. Bosiacki to accept the minutes of the last meeting as posted.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Treasurer’s report:  (refer to hard copy of minutes)
Motion by G. Horn, 2nd by K. Beck to accept the treasurer’s report.  Motion passed after voice vote.

New member Randy Mohre introduced himself.

S. Nihart reminded all members that the Criminal Justice Octoberfest will be held October 11, 2008. After discussion, it was decided to make this years event adults only.  RSVP must be made to S. Nihart by September 15.  S. Nihart also called for a Special meeting to be held August 26, 2008 to finalize plans for the Octoberfest.

M. Arnold reported that Henry County Sheriff’s Office donated $100 to the Tara Arnold Scholarship fund.

J. Bosiacki asked for a donation for her to participate in the Bike to the Bridge event for the Williams County Cancer Society.  Motion by G. Horn, 2nd by M. Arnold to donate $50.  Motion passed after voice vote.

B. Noethen reported the Golf Outing will be held at Edon Golf Course on September 13, 2008 for members and friends.  He needs to know how many plan on attending.  The Secretary is to fax all departments with this info and RSVP J. Viers.

Discussion on changing Article III, Section III of the by-laws concerning membership requirements. After discussion, motion by G. Horn, 2nd by J. Bosiacki to move Mose Mohre to Life Membership and adopt the following criteria for Honorary Members:

The Honorary Membership shall be comprised of any other sworn/appointed Law Enforcement Officer assigned to Williams County, and/or any member of the Lodge, upon being dismissed from their law enforcement duties, until the final disposition or exhaustion of any and all grievances or legal proceedings resulting in a dismissal or resignation of their law enforcement duties in Williams County. Honorary Members shall not be entitled to voice and vote and are not entitled to memberships to the FOP State or Grand Lodge, and are not entitled to the local Lodge Insurance coverage.  Honorary Members will be required to pay his/her yearly dues as set forth by the Lodge.

Honorary members shall be required to pay dues of $25.00 per year.

Motion passed after voice vote.

Further discussion on changing Article III, Section III of the by-laws concerning membership requirements.  After discussion, motion by J. Doseck, 2nd by M. Uran to adopt the following criteria for Active and Life Members:

The Active Membership shall be comprised of Law Enforcement Officers actively engaged from the areas enumerated in Section I.  Active Members shall be entitled to voice and vote and upon attending a combination of at least five (5) meetings and/or work details per attendance year, shall have their FOP State and Grand Lodge dues, as well as the local Lodge Insurance coverage, paid by the local Lodge.  Failure to attend the required number of meetings and/or work details per attendance year will require the Active Member to pay his/her yearly dues as set forth by the Lodge.

Active Members unable to attend meetings due to work will be required to notify the Lodge Secretary before each meeting of their inability to attend due to work requirements.  Active Members unable to attend due to work requirements, upon attending at least one (1) work detail as well as the ‘Cops with Kids’ program during each attendance year, shall have their FOP State and Grand Lodge dues, as well as the local Lodge Insurance coverage, paid by the local Lodge.  Failure of the working Active Member to meet these requirements will require them to pay his/her yearly dues as set forth by the Lodge.

Included in the Active Membership category are those members in GOOD STANDING who are retired on service or disability pension.

The Life Membership shall comprise of Active Members who have retired from Law Enforcement and have been moved to Life Membership status by vote of the Lodge membership.  Life Members shall be entitled to voice and vote and shall have their FOP State and Grand Lodge dues, as well as the local Lodge Insurance coverage, paid by the local Lodge with no attendance or dues requirements set forth.

Motion passed after voice vote.

After discussion, motion by G. Mohre, 2nd by M. Uran to raise yearly dues for Active members to $50.00 per year to be reviewed in September of every year.  Motion passed after voice vote.

S. Nihart reported that J. Arnold had been hospitalized in Ft. Wayne and the Executive Board had authorized donating $500 to assist his wife with travel, food and lodging expenses.

There being no further business, motion by G. Horn, 2nd by J. Bosiacki to adjourn.  Motion passed after voice vote.

James G. Walker
Secretary, FOP 181

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