Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Meeting called to order by President Stan Nihart at Lodge with the following members present:
Jeff Arnold, Roger Brown, Rachelle Delno, John Doseck, Mose Mohre, Bill Noethen, Jim Snivley, Jeremy Viers and Jim Walker.

Motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by R. Delno to accept the minutes of the last meeting as posted.  Motion passed after voice vote.

No Treasurer’s report given.

New members:
Kim Shaffer, Stryker PD and James Eaton and Kenneth Williams, Pioneer PD.
Motion by J. Viers, 2nd by R. Brown to accept Shaffer as a regular member.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by R. Delno to accept Eaton as a regular member.  Motion passed after voice vote.
After much discussion, it was decided at this time to not accept Williams as a member.

A thank you card were read from Danielle Nihart for the scholarship award.

A 2nd thank you letter was read from 4-H Camp Palmer for their addition donation of $150.

A thank you letter was read from the Montpelier Senior Center for their $1,000 donation.

J. Viers handed out fliers and explained the insurance coverage we have for the members.

Motion by J. Doseck, 2nd by R. Brown to donate $1,000 to New Hope Community Church to assist sending workers to help with Hurricane Katrina relief in New Orleans.  Motion passed after voice vote.

S. Nihart presented the following by-laws amendment:  (Note: Underlined is additional, { } is being deleted)

Lodge Officers
Section I.  The officers of this Lodge shall {be known as the Executive Board and shall} be comprised as follows:
President                              Immediate Past President                       Vice President
Recording Secretary             Treasurer                                               Sgt. At Arms
Chaplin                                 Trustees [3]                                           Historian

The Executive Board shall be comprised of officers of this Lodge as follows:

President                        Vice President                  Recording Secretary              Treasurer

and may spend up to a limit of $500.00, if necessary, without membership approval.

Motion to accept change: J. Viers, 2nd: J. Snivley.  Motion passed after voice vote.

S. Nihart presented the Rules for use of the Lodge Building Facility for amendment to delete paragraph 4 concerning rental of the facility for non-criminal justice usage and raising the cleaning deposit from $25 to $50.  Motion by R. Brown, 2nd by J. Doseck to accept the changes.  Motion passed after voice vote.

S. Nihart requested locks be installed on the liquor cabinet doors.

The State FOP Conference will be held July 16-17, 2007 in Independence, OH.  Motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by R. Brown for the Lodge to cover the expenses for Delegate B. Noethen and Alternate Delegates, G. Horn and J. Walker to attend.  Motion passed after voice vote.

After much discussion concerning the Health Dept. using the Lodge for the ‘Save a Life Tour’ and the paperwork required of the State for this, motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by S. Nihart to discontinue this activity with the Health Dept.  Motion passed after voice vote.  J. Arnold advised he will contact Linda Earle.

R. Brown explained the DARE one week Camp and stated the Lodge may be interested in donating to this in the future.

S. Nihart stated the stage and pole have been removed from the Lodge premises and destroyed.

There being no further business, motion by J. Snivley, 2nd by J. Arnold to adjourn.  Motion passed after voice vote.

James G. Walker
Secretary, FOP 181

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