Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Meeting called to order by Justin Coffman who also led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Members present were Randy Buehrer, Justin Coffman, Matt Krill, Nick Lanzer, Randy Mills, Stephanie Mills, Andrew Skiles, Terry Bartel, Ed Biederstedt, and
Jeremy Viers.
Motion to accept Secretary Report posted online by Randy Buehrer, 2nd by Terry Bartel with Motion passing after voice vote.
Justin Coffman gave treasurers report with Motion to Accept by Matt Krill, 2nd by Terry Bartel with Motion passing with voice vote.
The scholarship update by Justin Coffman was that Randy Mohre was found to not be an active member and Chris Chapa withdrew his son's application. Cole
Uran's application was found and due to the date on the application, it was accepted and will be paid.
An update regarding Park with the Police is that more officers will be needed to help other volunteer officers.
Jeremy Viers gave printed tickets to Stephanie Mills as she and Jason Raymond will oversee the handing out the tickets to members and collect the money. Tickets
are $20.00 each for a chance to win a Thompson 1927 A1 45 caliber semi-automatic rifle.
Justin Coffman of the scholarship committee reported that there were 9 applicants that qualified for the FOP Scholarship. Motion by Matt Krill, 2nd by Steve
Suchocki to give $1,200.00 to each student with motion passing after voice vote.
Stephanie Mills stated that the Montpelier Legion Hall would like to nominate an officer from our area to be recognized as Officer of the Year. A silent and
written vote was held with Matt Krill winning the nomination.
Jeremy Viers updated the student awarded the Tara Arnold Scholarship is Katelyn Nagle of Bryan. She will be attending Cincinnati University studying psychology
and social work.
Request was received by the Willaims County Cancer Awareness regarding donations available for the Bike to the Bridge fundraising event. Motion by Jeremy Viers
to give $250.00, 2nd by Matt Krill with Motion passing after voice vote. The benefactor donation will pay the entry fee for two riders sponsored by the Captain
Custar Lodge.
Motion by Stephanie Mills to adjourn, 2nd by Ed Biederstadt with Motion passing after voice vote.
Minutes typed by Andy Skiles, Secretary
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