5/28/2013  FOP Lodge 181  Meeting Mins.

Matt Arnold, Marvin Hug, Jim Walker, John Doseck, Matt Krill, Steve Suchocki, Justin Garza, Randy Buehrer, Justin Coffman, Matt Franzdorf, Ryan Baird, Jeremy Veirs, Cody Nelson, Gary Mohre, Steve Towns.

New Member - Cody Nelson - Justin Coffman Motion to accept, Matt Krill second.  Motion passed.  member accepted - Paid $50.00

Old Business-
Last month Minutes and treasury report accepted.
Golf outing , torch run and raffle all on track with participation encouraged by all.

New Business-
Anyone wishing to attend the Auburn Police shooting competition it will be September 14, 2013
Jeremy Veirs - Motion for lodge to pay for two officers from each department up to eight officers.
Second by Steve Suchocki - motion passed.

Jeremy Veirs and Steve Towns will be attending the National Conference as delegates.

No other new business - Gary Mohre - motion to adjourn, second by Steve Suchocki, Passed.

Sec. Steve Towns

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