Tuesday May 26, 2009

Meeting called to order by President Gale Horn with the following members present:  Jeff Arnold, Jennifer Bosiacki, Chris Chapa, Justin Coffman, John Doseck, Steve Grimes, Marvin Hug, Matt Krill, Nick Lanzer, Mike Marchek, Steve Mendez, Bill Noethen, Tom Szmczak, Steve Towns, Jeremy Viers, Jim Walker, Tyson Wasilewski, Michelle Zimmann, excused Don Bulla, Bill Hodapp, Matt Fransdorf, Dan Griffin, Greg Harkey, Jeff Prister, Jeff Ridgway, Mario Rodriguez, Matt Fedderke, Gray Mohre, Kirk Stickney, Jason Shaffer, Scott Boyd, Jim Snivley, and Kevin Beck

Treasurer’s report:  (refer to hard copy of minutes)

Old business:

In June the CDs will expire and will be renewed with the highest intrest.

New application from Tim Livengood to become a member.  Motion by J. Walker 2nd by J. Arnold motion passed by voice vote

Special Olympic Tourch Run will take place on June 24th at Walbridge Park in Toledo at 0830am.  Please contact Jeremy Viers for more information or if you are interested at 419-367-9056.  A donation is also being requested to sponsor all the runners a motion was made for 125.00.  Motion by J. Arnold 2nd by T. Szymczak motion passed by voice vote.

Lisa Dorinski was requesting a donation so she could get re-certified in Child Passenger Safety Technician for Williams County.  Motion was made not to sponsor Mrs. Dorinski.  Motion by T. Szymczak and 2nd by J. Walker motion passed by voice vote not to sponsor.

Soon an email will be sent out in reference to FOP t-shirts.  The shirts will have the FOP logo and Captain Custard written on them.  The shirts will be blue or grey with gold lettering, and will sell for 10.00.  The email will provide photos.

The 10th annual Auburn Police Outing will take place at Bridge Water Golf Course on July 10th.  Reserve your teams by calling 260-920-3200 x1970.

The lower portion of the property has 4 large holes and these holes are getting bigger.  These holes need to be filled, we will be shopping around to get some prices for this fix.  Prices for this fix will be brought up at the August 25th meeting.

Motion to Adjourn motion by J. Walker and 2nd by T. Szymczak

Jennifer L. Bosiacki
Secretary, FOP 181

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