Tuesday, May 25th, 2021

Meeting called to order by Sgt. at Arms, Gary Mohre who also led the Pledge of Allegiance.  The following members were in attendance:  Terry Bartel, Gary Mohre, Tom Szymczak, Matthew Krill, Steve Suchocki, Jason Raymond, Jim Walker, Randy Buehrer, Ed Biederstedt, Stan Nihart, Jeremy Viers, and Justin Coffman.  Joshua Mercer and Tyson Wasilewski working.

Motion by Randy Buehrer to accept the April Minutes as posted, 2nd by Jason Raymond.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Treasure's report read by Treasure Justin Coffman.  Motion by Matthew Krill, 2nd by Ed Biederstedt to accept treasurer's report.  Motion passed after voice vote.

No old Business

President Jeremy Viers reminded members that we need volunteers to mow during the summer and encouraged members to take advantage of the Lodge by making reservations.
President Jeremy Viers reminded members that the funeral viewing for life member Deb Shindledecker is Wednesday, May 26th from 3:00 PM - 7:00 pm at the Krill Funeral Home, 860 W. Mulberry St., Bryan.  If you will volunteer for the honor guard please let him know.  The Lodge has sent flowers and donated a FOP grave marker.

Motion to adjourn by Gary Mohre, 2nd by Matthew Krill.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Minutes typed by Jeremy Viers, President

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