Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Meeting called to order by president Jeremy Viers at the Lodge with the following Members present: Check sign in book T. Szymczak and K. Strickland excused/working Motion by J. Arnold and 2nd by T. Livengood to accept the minutes of the last meeting as posted. Motion passed after voice vote. Treasurer’s report: (refer to hard copy of minutes) Motion by M. Arnold and 2nd by J. Walker to accept the Treasurer’s report. Motion passed after voice vote. Old Business Jim Walker requested Greg Rusky pay for damages to the wall behind the bar and a missing Wii remote. It was alleged that the damages and remote being lost both occurred during a date the Lodge was reserved by G. Rusky. The remote was located and damages were unfounded. No review board was appointed. There was a general agreement by the members present to require the $50.00 deposit as set forth in Article XXII, “Rules for
use of the Lodge Building Facility.” Section 3 and 5 were noted and are as follows: M. Krill speaking for the Scholarship Committee made a motion to give $1,000 to each of the nine (9) approved scholarship applicants. P. Zawodny 2nd the motion. Motion passed after voice vote. Motion by P. Zawodny 2nd by T. Livengood, “All funds for the 2010 Golf Outing to go through the Lodge and the proceeds after expenses are to be donated to the Tara Arnold Scholarship Fund.” Motion passed after voice vote. P. Zawodny reminded members that the Golf Outing is on June 12th in Stryker. Currently 6 teams are registered with 2 pending. We have 6 hole sponsors and 332 door prizes. J. Viers reminded members of upcoming Law Enforcement Torch Run for the Special Olympics on June 21st. Received thank-you letter from Chandra Gallehue for sponsoring the 2010 Edon Easter Egg Hunt. Reminder Reverse Raffle set for October 9th, at the Bryan Eagles. We will have a meeting the fourth Tuesday of July at 1900hrs to discus the raffle. New Business J. Arnold motioned and M. Arnold 2nd to purchase a new brief case/bag for B. Noethen. Motion passed after voice vote. T. Livengood motioned and J. Eaton 2nd to accept Terry A. Bartell of the Pioneer Police Department as an active member. Motion passed after voice vote. Motion by J. Arnold and 2nd by M. Arnold to adjourn Minutes taken by Jeremy ViersRachelle M. Delno Secretary, FOP 181 - Back - |