Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Meeting called to order by Sgt. of Arms, Gary Mohre who also led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Members present were: Jeremy Viers, Kevin Beck, Terry Bartel, Gary Mohre, Scott Boyd, Matthew Krill, Ed Biederstedt, Stephanie Mills, Randy Mills,
Randy Buehrer and Nick Lanzer.
No April Secretary Report was posted.
Treasure, Justin Coffman gave Treasure's Report. Motion by Matt Krill, 2nd by Randy Buehrer to accept with Motion passing after voice vote. Hard
copy attached.
Reminder: Park with the Police event is June 10, 2023 from 10 am to 3 pm at the Imagination Station in Bryan.
Randy Mills gave a thank-you to the Lodge for the donation to the Montpelier K-9 program. The money was used to pay for graphics. K-9 certificaiton will
take place on the 27th south of Cleveland in Westlake.
Williams County Bike to the Bridge, www.b2tb.club, a Cancer Assistance of Williams County benefit is August 5th, 2023. It starts in front of the County Offices,
1425 E. High St., Bryan. Motion by Jeremy Viers to contribute $300.00 to this event and any registration fees for members will be taken out of this amount, 2nd
by Matt Krill. Motion passed after voice vote.
The Montpelier Rotary Club Classic Car Raffle is on June 17th. Motion by Kevin Beck, 2nd by Ed Biederstedt to purchase a raffle and diner ticket for the sum of
$150.00 and in the event the ticket wins, the car/money will be the property of the Lodge. Motion passed after voice vote.
Relay for Life of Williams County is taking place at the Williams County Fairgrounds June 9th. Motion by Randy Buehrer and 2nd by Randy Mills to spend $400.00
at the charity auction. If not bids and/or remaining money to be made as a donation. Motion passed after voice vote.
Randy Mills requested a donation for K-9 bite suit. Motion by Matt Krill and 2nd by Terry Bartel to donate $250.00. Motion passed after voice vote.
Motion by Terry Bartel to adjourn, 2nd by Matt Krill with Motion passing after voice vote.
Minutes typed by Jeremy Viers, President
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