Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017

Meeting called to order by President Jeremy Viers at the Lodge with the following members present:  Jeremy Viers, Gale Horn, John Doseck, Scott Boyd, Terry Bartel, Matthew Krill, Randy Buehrer, Tyson Wasilewski, Gary Mohre, Daniel Griffin, Paul Zawodny, Steve Schlosser, Nick Lanzer, Steve Suchocki, Fernado Chavez, and Andrew Skiles.

No minutes posted

Treasure’s Report:  (See hard copy)

Motion by J. Viers, 2nd by S. Suchocki to allow the Golf Outing committee to benefit the Tara Arnold Scholarship Fund to reserve the Stryker Riverside Greens Golf Course for Saturday, August 26th.  Golf Outing to start at 6pm with first 9 holes during the day and second 9 at night.  $200 per team includes golf, meal, cart, and one glow in the dark ball per player.  Committee authorized to make payments on food, expenses, supplies, and door prizes.  Motion Passed after voice vote.
The Law Enforcement Torch Run to benefit the Special Olympics is Tuesday, June 20, 2017 starting at Hornish Bro’s trucking next to GM in Defiance and ending at the Defiance Police Department.

Chief Timothy Livengood is looking for Officers to serve on a color guard.  Please contact Chief Livengood if you are interested.
Motion by J. Viers, 2nd by M. Krill to host a family cookout and fun day at the Lodge July 22nd.  DARE Officer Deputy Paul McCord will host event with Archery Tag and other family friendly games.  Paintball trip/cookout will be August 13th leaving from lodge at 1pm.  Motion Passed after voice vote.

Motion by G. Horn, 2nd by S. Schlosser to adjourn meeting.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Minutes typed by:
Jeremy G. Viers

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