Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Meeting called to order by Vice-President Jason Shaffer at 7:20 PM at the Lodge after a work detail that started at 6:00 PM
with the following members present: Motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by T. Szymczak to accept the minutes of the last meeting as posted. Motion passed after voice vote. Treasurer’s report: After reviewing college scholarship applications from Cody Arnold (J. Arnold), Danielle Nihart (S. Nihart), Jaylynn Shaffer (J. Shaffer) and Erin Walker (J. Walker), motion by B. Noethen, 2nd by M. Krill to present each with $600. Motion passed after voice vote. J. Arnold reported his son Scott is participating in a church mission to Mississippi to assist in rebuilding after the hurricane and requested a donation to help offset his expenses. Motion by R. Brown, 2nd by S. Suchocki to donate $500. Motion passed after voice vote. The State FOP Conference will be held July 22-25 this year in Dayton. B. Noethen volunteered to be our delegate and will check to see which days will be the most important to attend. J. Walker will attend as alternate delegate. Motion by S. Suchocki, 2nd by J. Arnold to cover expenses for the delegate and alternate to attend. Motion passed after voice vote. J. Arnold reported there is currently a solicitation in Defiance County for ‘Cops for Kids’ which is interfering with our ‘Cops with Kids’. He stated he has made contact with the solicitor advising to use caution so as not to mislead their contacts. After much discussion, it was decided to allow only the departments that have active FOP181 members participate in the ‘Cops with Kids’ program as there are non-members being represented as members in the media. After some discussion, it was decided to wait until after this year’s solicitation to get the additional cabinets for the kitchen area. The password for the fop181 homepage member’s area will be changed to ‘brasspole’ with all members being notified of the change by e-mail. After some discussion, it was decided to again hold our Criminal Justice Octoberfest this fall. R. Brown and T. Harding volunteered to set it up. D. Griffin will check and report back at the next meeting on the price of a permanent BBQ to be build and installed at the lodge. J. Shaffer noted that the grass is out of control and volunteers are still needed to mow. There being no further business, motion by B. Noethen, 2nd by R. Delno to adjourn. Motion passed after voice vote. James G. Walker - Back - |