Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Meeting called to order by President Jeremy Viers with Gary Mohre leading the Pledge of Allegiance.  Members in attendance: Ed Biederstedt, Randy Buehrer, Justin Coffman, Andrew Skiles, Steve Suchocki, Jeremy Viers, Terry Bartel, Marvin Hug, John Doseck, Gary Mohre, Jim Walker, and Paul Zawodny.

April’s secretary report was not complete by meeting date.

Motion by Randy Buehrer, 2nd by Steve Suchocki to accept Treasures report as submitted by Jeremy Viers.  Motion passed after voice vote and hard copy attached.

Jeremy Viers advised a decision needed to be made regarding the golf outing due to this being last meeting for the summer.  Motion by Paul Zawodny, 2nd by Marvin Hug to have golf outing.  Motion passed after voice vote with Paul Zawodny to chair the event with help from members.

Members were advised of the recent passing of John Richard, former officer with Montpelier PD, Williams County Sheriff’s Office, Marshall of Alvordton, and West Unity Chief of Police.  Members took a moment of silence to honor John’s law enforcement service to the community.
3rd Annual Bill Noethen Night Golf Outing is Friday July 27, 2018 at Riverside Greens, Stryker.  Motion by Marvin Hug, 2nd by Paul Zawodny to sponsor a team at $200.00.  Motion passed after voice vote with Marvin Hug to captain a team.
Motion by Jeremy Viers, 2nd by Justin Coffman to have Family Day Sunday July 8, 2018.  Members will meet at lodge and go to PaintballPlex in Laotto, IN and back to lodge for dinner.  Motion passed after voice vote with Justin Coffman to chair event.
Motion by Ed Biederstedt, 2nd by Randy Buehrer to spend up to $400.00 at the auction for the Williams County Relay for Life at the fairgrounds.  Motion passed after voice vote and Jeremy Viers advised members he and his family will be participating in the relay.
Motion by Jim Walker, 2nd by Steve Suchocki to support Trooper Shelly Ledyard with $250.00 to compete in the Toughest Mudder.  Motion passed by voice vote.
Ohio Law Enforcement Torch Run to benefit Special Olympics is Tuesday June 19, 2018 in Defiance.  Motion by Steve Suchocki, 2nd by Ed Biederstedt to donate $200.00.  Motion passed after voice vote.  Participants are encouraged to raise $25.00 minimum to participate and Jeremy Viers encouraged any law enforcement in the Northwest Ohio area to run or bike while escorting The Flame of Hope.

Motion to adjourn by S. Suchocki, 2nd by Terry Bartel.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Minutes typed by Andrew Skiles, Secretary.

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