Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Meeting called to order by President Jeremy Viers at the Lodge with the following members present:
Jeff Arnold, Matt Arnold, Paul Zawodny, Scott Boyd, Jim Walker, Jeremy Viers, Dan Cline, and Gale Horn. The following members requested to be excused for work: Steve Towns.
No Treasurer report.
Old Business:
Motion by J. Viers, 2nd by J. Arnold to donate $50.00 for a hole sponsor at the Tara Arnold Golf Outing 2012 and for Pop/Water/Snacks for the golfers. Motion passed
after voice vote.
Motion by J. Viers, 2nd by G. Horn to purchase Water/Gatorade/Snacks for the Law Enforcement Torch Run for the Special Olympics on June 19th, starting in Stryker and ending
at the Williams County Court House. Motion passed after voice vote.
New Business:
Motion by M. Arnold, 2nd by J. Arnold to award the 2012 Tara Lynne Arnold Scholarship to Jeremiah R. Dietrich in the amount of $350.00. In addition, the future
Scholarship amount is to be set at $350.00. Motion passed after voice vote.
The 2012 Ohio F.O.P. State Conference #78 will be held on July 15, 16, and 17 in Independence, OH. Motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by P Zawodny to send two delegates with
the Lodge Officer’s having first option to attend. Motion passed after voice vote.
J. Arnold would like the following to be considered at the next regular FOP meeting: The Williams County Leadership Team is seeking funds to purchase 40 trees to be
placed at the retention pond in Bryan. The cost of each tree is $250.00. It is believed that each tree will have a dedication plaque.
S. Boyd made a statement of thanks to the Lodge for helping with travel and lodging expenses as he and his family cared for his son Landon. Landon was revived after
suffering a heart attack. He recovered at a hospital in Wilmington NC.
Motion to adjourn by G. Horn, 2nd by M. Arnold. Motion passed after voice vote.
Minutes taken by:
Jeremy Viers
President, FOP 181
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