Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Meeting called to order by President Jeremy Viers who also led the Pledge of Allegiance. The following members were in attendance via video app Zoom: Ed Biederstedt,
Chris Chapa, Justin Coffman, Steve Doctor, Ken Jacob, Michelle Jacob, JR Jones, Matt Krill, Tim Livengood, Paul McCord, Josh Mercer, Jason Raymond, Jonathan Roberts, Matt Sammons,
Steve Schlosser, Andy Skiles, JR Treace, Jeremy Viers, Adam Wheeler, Terry Bartel, Gary Mohre, Tom Szymczak, Scott Boyd and Jim Walker.
Motion by JR Treace, 2nd by Jason Raymond to accept that no minutes were taken due to no meeting in March. Motion passed after voice vote.
Motion by Steve Schlosser, 2nd by Paul McCord to accept treasurer's report. Motion passed after voice vote.
Jeremy Viers advised members he received a New Member Applications from Skyler Maynard from the sheriff's office. Application will be tabled one month for
motion to accept.
Jeremy Viers reported that the Mock Crash will not be held so first aid kits will be held for next time.
Jeremy Viers advised members of a membership to Zoom regarding meetings until quarantine will be changed. Motion by Tom Szymzcak, 2nd by Paul McCord to purchase
a monthly membership to Zoom. Discussion regarding the amount of members and the ability to have a meeting longer that 40 minutes if needed. Motion passed
after voice vote.
Jeremy Viers updated members on finances and investment options available. Motion by Jeremy Viers, 2nd by Tim Livengood to transfer $80,000.00 into money market
from F&M savings account. Also transfer $170,000.00 from money market into Vanguard 500 Index Fund Admiral Shares. Motion passed after voice vote.
Scholarship committee reported nine of ten applications were found to be eligible for the $1,000.00. One applicant wasn't eligible due to the member not being a
member and didn't work the reverse raffle as a member and required on the application. Motion by Tom Szymczak, 2nd by JR Treace to accept all ten
applicants. After discussion, motion was passed after voice vote. Scholarship recipients: Caitlyn Dietsch, McKenna Towns, Asher Viers, Avery Viers, Makenna
Turner, Alexandria Biederstedt, Fernando Chavez, Jr., Connor Skiles, Alex McCord, Miranda Pergorch.
Committee also advised members that the one applicant for the Tara Arnold Scholarship didn't qualify as the student was not studying for a law enforcement or criminal
justice field as required. Motion by JR Treace, 2nd by Scott Boyd to have the scholarship decision tabled until the committee could be interview further. Matt
Arnold had been contacted previously and stated that every applicant for this scholarship is required to be working for a career in law enforcement. Motion
passed after voice vote.
Motion to adjourn by Chris Chapa, 2nd by Tim Livengood. Motion passed after voice vote.
Minutes typed by Andy Skiles, Secretary
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