FOP 181 28 April 2015 Minutes
1900 – Pledge
Meeting called to order
Old Business:
Concrete driveway is complete
New Business:
The scholarship committee met and approved the 9 applicants, all met the requirements. Motion made by Gale Horn to accept the scholarship registrations,
2nd by Jim Walker, Motion passed
The 5 applicants for the Tara Arnold scholarship were also all approved with Wyatt Short being the overall winner. Motion made by Jeremy Viers to accept Wyatt
Short for the scholarship, 2nd Jason Raymond.
Motion made by J.R. Jones to give $100.00 to the other 4 applicants for scholarships, 2nd by Gale Horn, Motion passed.
6th District Rep. Mike Watkins was welcomed to our meeting to promote the National FOP Conference in Pittsburg. He was selling raffle tickets to raise money to
be able to provide transportation to the conference for one representative from each lodge. The National Conference will go from August 9th – 13th. Motion
made by Jeremy Viers to purchase $200.00 worth of raffle tickets, 2nd by Matt Krill. Motion passed. One ticket was given to all members present for the
meeting and the rest of the tickets will be held by the lodge.
Mike Watkins also discussed applying to become a FOPA and asked for nominations for lodge of the year.
Jeremy Viers presented two letters, one from Tammy Varner and one from Dexter Ridgway, requesting a donation to help fund their trips. Tammy is going to Bali
and Dexter is going to Washington DC. Motion made by J.R. Jones to give $500.00 to each student for the trip, 2nd by Matt Franzdorf, motion passed.
Jeremy Viers announced the Law enforcement Torch Run for the Special Olympics will be held on June 20, 2015. Participants are asked to raise $25.00 for donations
to the Special Olympics. Jeremy also made a motion to donate to the torch run on behalf of the FOP, 2nd by Steve Schlosser, motion passed.
Jeremy Viers announce the Tara Arnold Golf outing would be held on June27, 2015 at Orchard Hills at 0830. Cost is $50.00 per participant. A motion was made
by Jeremy Viers to start a golf outing committee. Matt Arnold and Paul Zawodny volunteered for the committee; the motion was 2nd by Jason Raymond. Motion
A motion was made to adjourn by Matt Krill, 2nd by Randy Buehrer, meeting adjourned.
Hayworth Treace
Secretay 181
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