Tuesday April 28, 2009
Meeting called to order by President Gale Horn with the following members present: Jeff Arnold, Matt Arnold, Jennifer Bosiacki, Scott Boyd, Don Bulla, Chris Chapa, Rachelle Delno, John Doseck, Steve Grimes, Gale Horn, Marvin Hug, Matt Krill, Nick Lanzer, Mike Marchek, Gary Mohre, Randy Mohre, Stan Nihart, Bill Noethen, Jason Shaffer, Matt Uran, Jim Walker, excused Bill Hodapp, Matt Fransdorf, Jeff Prister, Jeff Ridgway, Mario Rodriguez, Tyson Wasilewski, Jeremy Viers, Matt Fedderke, and Kevin Beck Treasurer’s report: (refer to hard copy of minutes) Old business: J. Arnold brought up the idea to form a budget for the lodge. He pulled the last for years for our revenue and the expenses to get the suggested spending limit. The expenses for the four years is 40,697.00 and the revenue is 47,380.00 with a difference of 6,679.00. These figures are based on the lodge maintaining a profit margin of 4,000.00 each year. It was brought up to put a cap on Shop With A Cop at 11,000.00, and the scholarships at 7,000.00, and to disconnect the phone service at the lodge. Motion by J. Walker and 2nd by M. Krill Motion passed by voice vote. Reverse Raffle tickets were previously purchased for Sat May 9, 2009 dinner is at 5pm. The Tickets went to M. Zimmann, J. Walker, C. Chappa, S. Grimes, and G. Horn. The Life Insurance that we have doesn’t cover half of our members. If you have any medical problems or are not on active duty at the time of death you are not covered. Authorization was given to B. Noethen to do research on the National Lodges Insurance Plans and to check into Term Life Insurance. It was brought up to have M. Marchek and M. Hug as life members. Motion by S. Nihart and 2nd by G. Mohre passed by voice vote. Door prizes are needed for the Golf Outing if everyone can check around there community for donations. Lodge members can now sign up for Gen Fed Credit Union. Motion to Adjourn motion by M. Krill and 2nd by M. Hug Jennifer L. BosiackiSecretary, FOP 181 - Back - |