Tuesday, April 27th , 2021

Meeting called to order by Sgt. at Arms, Gary Mohre who also led the Pledge of Allegiance.  The following members were in attendance:  Justin Coffman, Matthew Krill, Jeremy Viers, Gary Mohre, James Walker, Scott Boyd, Ed Biederstedt, Randy Buehrer, Steve Schlosser, Nick Lanzer, Ben Baldwin, and Tyler Maynard.

Motion by Randy Buehrer to accept March's Secretary Report, 2nd by Gary Mohre.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Treasure's report read by President Jeremy Viers.  Motion by Steve Schlosser, 2nd by Scott Boyd to accept treasurer's report.  Motion passed after voice vote.

New member application for Ian Younts presented at March meeting up for vote.  Motion by Matthew Krill accept Ian Younts to active member status and waive attendance requirements during any active military deployment, 2nd by Steve Schlosser.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Last remaining NRA ticket went to Randy Buehrer's wife.  Banquet to be held on May 8th.

Scholarship committee, consisting of Matthew Krill, Justin Coffman, and Steve Schlosser, reported (7) seven applications were submitted and reviewed by the committee for the 2021 Captain Custar FOP Lodge Scholarship.  Matthew Krill made a motion on behalf of the committee and 2nd by Steve Schlosser to award $1,200.00 to each of the following applicants:  Connor Skiles, Alexander McCord, Miranda Pegorch, Mekenna Turner, Alexandria Biederstedt, Avery Viers and Asher Viers.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Matthew Krill made a motion on behalf of the committee and 2nd by Steve Schlosser to award the 2021 Tara Arnold Memorial Scholarship fund of $500.00 to Avrey Degryse, a graduating senior from Edgerton High School.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Tyler Maynard spoke on the Park with Police event to be held at the Imagination Station, 1313 Horton Trail, Bryan, on June 12th.  The event will include a bicycle safety course and carnival games.  Proceeds from the event will go to the Williams County DARE program.  Tyler noted a DARE funding shortage.  Motion made by James Walker to donate $500.00 to the Williams County DARE program and asked to be briefed if any further assistance is needed for the Park with Police event, 2nd was made by Matthew Krill.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Motion was made by President Jeremy Viers to distribute the remaining Marco's gift certificates left over from the Cops with Kids program to all the departments in the County to give out to kids/families in support of positive community relations, 2nd was given by Steve Schlosser.  Motion passed after voice vote.
President Jeremy Viers presented spoke on the upcoming state FOP golf outing.  No motion was given.
President Jeremy Viers presented a request for sponsorship of the Bike-to-the-Bridge event held August 7th at the Williams County Fair Grounds to benefit the Cancer Assistance of Williams County(CAWC).  Motion made by Matthew Krill to donate $500.00, a bronze level sponsor, 2nd made by Randy Buehrer.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Motion to adjourn by James Walker, 2nd by Steve Schlosser.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Minutes typed by Jeremy Viers, President

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