Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Meeting called to order by president Jeremy Viers at the Lodge with the followings members present: Matt Arnold, Jeff Arnold, Kevin Beck, Chris Chapa, Andrew Collert, Matthew Collins, Rachelle Delno, John Doseck, Darrell Higbie, Gale Horn, Nick Lanzer, Tim Livengood, Gary Mohre, Bill Noethen, Greg Ruskey, Matt Uran, Jeremy Viers, Jim Walker and Paul Zawodney. Excused members were Jennifer Bosiacki, Scott Boyd, Corey Bush, Matt Fedderke, Dan Griffin, Jennifer Hern, Randy Mohre, Stan Nihart, Jeff Priester, Jason Shaffer, Steve Towns and Leo York. Motion by G. Mohre, 2nd by J. Walker to accept the minutes of the last meeting as posted. Motion passed after voice vote. Treasurer's report: none Scholarship applications are due 0n April 30, 2010. Next meeting there will be a vote on the amount for the scholarships. New Member Todd Trego. Motion by T. Livengood, 2nd by P. Zawodney to accept. Motion passed after voice vote. Golf outing. We are still trying to get door prizes and hole in one sponsor. Golf outing is June 12, 2010. Orchards Hill wants to be in the running for the golf outing next year. Torch Run is Monday, July 21, 2010 starting at Montpelier and going to Bryan. D. Higbie is the contact person in Montpelier. Each runner needs to raise $25.00. Motion made by J. Arnold, 2nd by T. Livengood to participate in the Torch Run. Motion passed after voice vote. Reverse Raffle was discussed as to where to hold the event. Profit will be used to fund the scholarships in later years. Event can be held at the Eagles, Moose, K of C Hall, or the VFW Hall. Also thinking the beer will be free with the meal. Tickets will be $40 a ticket and we will need to sell 300 tickets. Motion by J. Viers, 2nd by M. Uran to hold the event in October. Motion passed after voice vote. Mike Watkins was in to talk about the State Scholarships available. They are for $1000 a year for up to 4 years. They can be downloaded from the State FOP website. We can send a delegate to the State Conference this year in Columbus on July 18, 19 and 20, 2010. Voting for state officers is on the morning of the 20th. Winner of the Tara Arnold scholarship is John Finch he is going into the FBI and forensics. John Doseck is retiring on April 28, 2010 and there is retirement party on April 30, 2010 at the Community Building in Bryan from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm. Motion by B. Noethen, 2nd by J. Arnold to move J. Doseck to lifetime member. Motion passed after voice vote. M. Uran wants to thank everyone for the well wishes and the Lodge for the money. Police Memorial Day is Saturday, May 15, 2010 at 2:30 pm. We will parade from Bryan PD, have the honor guard, 1 minute siren wales, taps, then read the statistics of Law Enforcement killed a year. Uniforms will be summer. G. Horn, J. Walker, T. Livengood, and G. Mohre are on the committee. Motion to hold the Memorial this year by J. Viers, 2nd by G. Horn. Motion passed by voice vote. J. Viers set a work detail for May 8, 2010 at 08:00 am at the lodge. G. Ruskey said he would try to get out April 24 to mow and M. Uran said he would try to mow on April 29. There being no further business, motion by G. Ruskey, 2nd by J. Walker to adjourn. Motion passed by voice vote. Rachelle M. DelnoSecretary, FOP 181 - Back - |