Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Meeting called to order by President Stan Nihart at the Lodge with the following members present: Motion by R. Delno, 2nd by C. Rose to accept the minutes of the last meeting as posted. Motion passed after voice vote. Treasurer’s report: (refer to hard copy of minutes) President Nihart displayed the T-shirt we received from ISP Post 20 for our donation to their COPS program. Nihart also read a thank you note from Michelle Viers for the donation she received. The college scholarship committee of J. Shaffer, M. Krill and J. Walker reported they had received applications from four students. Their recommendation was that each was eligible for scholarship awards. Motion by D. Griffin, 2nd by J. iers to awards $600 each to Jaylynn Shaffer (Jason Shaffer), Tara Arnold (Matt Arnold), Cody Arnold (Jeff Arnold) and Danielle Nihart (Stan Nihart). Motion passed after voice vote. S. Nihart reported that J. Walker had received notice back from G. Brillhart who advised he is still interested in being a member and plans on maintaining his Trustee position. Motion by K. Beck, 2nd by M. Krill to move Brillhart to Lifetime membership status. Motion passed after voice vote. K. Beck spoke on behalf of the by-laws committee and recommended the following: ARTICLE III Section III. There shall be two (2) classes of membership: Active and Honorary. The Honorary Membership shall be comprised of retired Law Enforcement Officers, who withdraw from Active Membership after retirement and/or any member of the Lodge, upon being dismissed from their law enforcement duties, until the final disposition or exhaustion of any and all grievances or legal proceedings resulting in a dismissal or resignation of their law enforcement duties in Williams County. Section V. Any member of the Lodge, upon {being dismissed from} final disposition or exhaustion of any and all grievances or legal proceedings resulting in a dismissal or resignation of their law enforcement duties {for cause, or resigns}, shall forfeit all claims on this Lodge and all rights as a member, and he/she shall cease being a member of this lodge. All emblems and decals are leased property of this Lodge and shall be returned to the Recording Secretary or President within ten (10) days of termination of membership. ARTICLE XIII Section I. The dues of the Lodge shall be twenty ($20.00) dollars per year for active members and the dues for retired members shall be one-half (½) that paid by active members. All dues shall be paid on or before first day of November of each year. {Section II. A retired member in good standing may purchase a "Lifetime Membership" for a fee of Two Hundred Fifty ($250.00) dollars. Upon application for "Lifetime Membership", retired members shall be granted ten ($10.00) dollars credit for every year retirement dues were paid to the Lodge, to a maximum of two hundred ($200.00) dollars total credit. The yearly per capita taxes to the National and State Lodges for Lifetime Members shall be paid by the Lodge. A retired member is one who is receiving benefits from a State or Federal pension system.} Section {III} II. Any member that arrears in dues or assessments more than thirty (30) days, and less than ninety (90) days, shall be deemed to be delinquent and not in good standing. Motion by J. Snivley, 2nd by M. Krill to accept the 1st reading of the by-laws changes. Motion passed after voice vote. New applicant, Roger Brown, Williams Co. Sheriff’s office. Motion by C. Rose, 2nd by M. Krill to accept. Motion passed after voice vote and the secretary is to advise him and request he attend the next regular meeting. Motion by J. Viers, 2nd by M. Arnold to donate $63 to DARE. Motion passed after voice vote. Motion by K. Beck, 2nd by R. Delno to donate $100 to Stryker Parent School Partnership. Motion passed after voice vote. Motion by K. Beck, 2nd by M. Krill to donate $50 each to S. Nihart and Roger Brown for Jerry’s Kids (MD lockup). Motion passed after voice vote. Motion my D. Griffin, 2nd by M. Krill to donate $125 to the Big Brothers/Big Sisters bowling team headed up by J. Viers. Motion passed after voice vote. S. Nihart present the contact from Ron Coffman for the proposed 16’ addition to the Lodge. Motion my K. Beck, 2nd by R. Delno to sign the contract. Motion passed after voice vote. There being no further business, motion by J. Snivley, 2nd by R. Delno to adjourn. Motion passed after voice vote. James G. WalkerSecretary, FOP 181 - Back - |