Tuesday, April 24th, 2018
Meeting called to order by President Jeremy Viers. The following members were in attendance: Ed Biederstedt, Scott Boyd, Randy Buehrer,
Fernando Chavez, Justin Coffman, Gale Horn, Matt Krill, Steve Schlosser, Jeremy Viers, Tyson Wasilewski, John Doseck, Gary Mohre, and Stan Nihart. Tom Szymczak
in training.
Motion by S. Schlosser and 2nd by T. Wasilewski to accept the minutes as posted at the meeting. Motion passed after voice vote.
Motion by E. Biederstedt, and 2nd by G. Mohre to accept the Treasures report as submitted by Treasure Stan Nihart. Motion passed after voice vote.
Motion by M. Krill and 2nd by G. Horn to approve the membership application recommended by J. Coffman for applicant Adam Wheeler Trooper at Post 20. Motion
passed after voice vote.
Tabled from the previous meeting was the request for a donation from the Williams County Poultry Producers. T. Szymczak couldn’t be at tonight’s meeting but did
contact the Poultry Producers and he prepared a page long summary read in open meeting by J. Viers. Motion by M. Krill and 2nd by S. Schlosser to donate
$1,000.00 to the Poultry Producers building fund after they had reached 75% of the funding goal and have the project approved. Motion passed after voice vote.
Mowing season is upon us. J. Viers asked for continued volunteers to mow and to post on Face Book page when you mow and/or if lawn needs mowed to let other
members know.
The FOP Scholarship Committee consisting of Gale Horn, Matthew Krill, and Steve Schlosser made the following recommendation to awarding $1000.00 FOP Scholarships
to: McKenna Towns, Fernando Chavez Jr., Alexandria Biederstedt, Stanley Nihart Jr., and Avery Viers. Motion by T. Wasilewski 2nd by J. Coffman to accept
the Scholarship Committee recommendations. Motion passed after voice vote.
Scholarship Committee made recommendation to award $500.00 from the Tara Arnold Scholarship Fund to Keean Livensparger. Motion by J. Coffman and 2nd by S. Boyd
to accept the recommendation. Motion passed after voice vote.
S. Nihart advised that next FOP reverse raffle for the Scholarship Fund is set for Saturday October 6th at the Bryan Eagles. Members were reminded: for a
child to be eligible for the FOP scholarship one of the parents must put in time as a volunteer for the fund raising event, i.e. the raffle.
J. Viers read donation request from Dustin Gillett requesting donation for daughter’s entry into the Fountain city Pageant. With no motion given request was
not voted on.
S. Schlosser read request for donation to Stryker Summer Recreation program. Motion by M. Krill and 2nd by J. Coffman to donate $300.00 to the Stryker Summer
Recreation programs. Motion passed after voice vote.
Motion to adjourn by S. Schlosser and 2nd by D. Cline. Motion passed after voice vote.
Minutes typed by:
Jeremy Viers, President
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