FOP CAPTAIN CUSTAR LODGE 181 Meeting for April, 24 2012 Jeremy Jones, Matt Arnold, Steve Grimes, Marvin Hug, Steve Schlosser, Steve Mendez, Justin Coffman, John Doseck, Randy Buehrer, Matt Krill, Gale Horn, Jeff Arnold, Gary Mohre, Steve Suchocki, Paul Zawodny, Terry Bartel, John Roberts, Dan McGee, Jeremy Viers, Steve Towns. Motion to Accept minutes from last meeting. Steve Suchocki, second by Jeff Arnold – Passed Motion to Accept written Treasurer report: Matt Krill, second by – Gary Mohre – Passed New Business: Discussion on Ten Scholarships at $1000.00. Motion by Jeff Arnold to award the ten scholarships. Second by Steve Schlosser Passed Tara Arnold: Scholarship for Criminal Justice field. 3.0 GPA and or School or military. Will wait another meeting before awarding the $350.00. Tabled Announcement: Bryan Moose – Allowing groups to do fund raising by working Sunday Brunch. Four or five people can work with money going to organization. June 9th 2012 Tara Arnold golf outing at Suburban course June 19th Torch run for Special Olympics 9am Stryker to Bryan. Will make a work day known with a list of tasks needed to be done. Slug Custar – passed away Saturday 1-5 pm at Thompson Funeral home. Motion for a FOP wreath to be sent to viewing. Paul Zawodny. Second by Jeff Arnold - Passed Jeff Arnold will take care of this task. Motion to Adjourn: Gary Mohre Second by Steve Suchocki - Passed - Back - |