Tuesday, April 24, 2001
Meeting called to order by President Stan Nihart at the Lodge with the following members present: After reading of the minutes of the last meeting, motion by K. Hager, 2nd by C. Rose to accept. Motion passed after voice vote. Treasurer's report: (refer to hard copy of minutes) S. Nihart reported he had located and purchased a front deck mower for use at the Lodge for $1,000. He also asked if there were any members willing to assist in mowing this summer. J. Arnold, C. Rose and J. Walker volunteered. Report from J. Ridgway on the Big Brother bowling league. He stated the team didn't do very well. K. Hager reported that the Lodge has donated $100 to The Red Cross since the last regular meeting. This was an unanticipated donation that was approved by the executive board. J. Ridgway reported on his findings so far concerning the Lodge holding a Police Officer Memorial Day event this year. After some discussion, it was decided by the membership to table the local event until next year so there will be more time for planning. J. Ridgway reported for the Building Committee. They have gotten a price for a 14x18 regular garage of $1,812.00 not including cement work. Cement was estimated at an additional $500-600. A 24x30 regular garage was priced at $3,300. After some discussion, it was decided to look at the possibility of a pole barn type garage with a size of 24x24. S. Nihart read a letter from the Grand Lodge stating we are in compliance with their regulations concerning local lodge websites and gave our site approval along with approving the use of the registered FOP logo on the site. K. Beck advised he had made contact with Jim Newman of Manufactured Housing Enterprises and Newman has stated the company can sell direct to us if we decide to purchase our new lodge building from them. All they would need would be the specifications of the building and they will build to suit. J. Ridgway reported nothing has been done yet concerning completion of the swing set. He will be making contact with Stu Short reference this. J. Ridgway asked if the Lodge would make a donation to the Bryan fireworks this year. Motion by J. Ridgway, 2nd by S. Pollick to donate $100. Motion passed after voice vote. C. Rose stated we now have FOP merchandise available for membership purchase. There being no further business, motion by S. Nihart, 2nd by J. Snivley to adjourn. Motion passed after voice vote. James G. WalkerSecretary, FOP 181 - Back - |