04/23/2013  FOP Captain Custar Lodge 181

Terry Bartell, Matt Franzdorf, Scott Boyd, Bill Nothen, John Doseck, Matt Arnold, Gary Mohre, Steve Mendez, Paul McCord, Randy Mohre, Randy Buehrer, JR Trease, Dan McGee, Stan Nihart, Matt Krill, Jeff Arnold, Nic Lanzer, Dan Cline, Marvin Hug, Jim Walker, S. Towns.

Request to approve mins. from last meeting.  Jeff Arnold motion and JR Trease second - Motion passed.

Tres. Report - Motion to accept by Matt Krill and Second by Gary Mohre - Passed

Old Business-
Raffle tickets out in two weeks, date - Oct. 5th
New Business - Montpelier FIRST ticket - Purchase for $75.00 - Motion by Jeff Arnold, second by JR Trease - Passed
Motion to Sponsorship of Bryan Girls Softball Association - Purse Bingo - for $150.00 Motion by S. Towns Second by Steve Mendez - Motion Passed.
Torch Run Sponsorship - Motion for $250.00 to go towards Special Olympics Torch Run - Paul McCord, Second Terry Bartell Motion Passed.
Breanna Jacobs - requesting a $50.00 donation reference a school project, Jeff Arnold Motion Scott Boyd second motion passed.
Motion to make a donation to the Cancer Society of America to go with Bill Nothen to their program. $200.00. Made by Jeff Arnold and Second by Steve Schlosser.
Tara Arnold Scholarship - four entries - Willis, Ridgeway, Maynard and Taylor - The amount is $350.00 Jeff Arnold and Matt Krill make motion for Taylor to get the award.  Motion passed.
Matt Franzdorf, requesting a sponsorship to ride in the Ohio Police Fire and Moto Cross race. - $100.00 Bill Nothen Motion and Gary Mohre second.  motion Passed.
Jeff Arnold and Matt Krill present Seventeen Scholarships at $750.00 each.  This would be $12,750.00 from General Fund.  Motion by Steve Schlosser and second by Randy Mohre.  Motion Passed.

Motion to Adjourn - Marvin Hug and second by Gary Mohre.  Passed

Sec. Steve Towns

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