FOP Captain Custar Lodge 181  4/22/14

Paul Zawodny, Terry Bartell, Jeff Arnold, Tom Szymczak, Steve Schlosser, Justin Coffman, Matt Krill, John Doseck, Gale Horn, Chris Chappa, Matt Franzdorf, Jeremy Viers, Stan Nihart, Gary Mohre, Steve Mendez, Scott Boyd, Tyson Wasilewski, Nick Lanzer

Tres. Report - refer to hard copy - Accept - Schlosser motion and Bartell second passed

Old Business:
Schlosser discussed softball team - check to Bryan Men Softball
Thank you card from Dave Schaver Family
Discussed reverse raffle tickets
Discussed Opdyke Bridge project - Arnold
Quote for concrete work for aprox. $15,000.00
Furnace is in
Discussed golf outing a Orchard Hills
Discussed Scholarships - Whitney Horn, Tiffany Towns, Zax and Dexter Ridgeway, Ashley Nihart, Stan Nihart, Ryan Jones, Natosha Pegorsh, Bronson Willis, Bronson Griffin, Jones.
Motion: Chapa Second Szymczak passed 12 apps.

New Business:
Tara Arnold Scholarship for Criminal Justice vote on three apps.  $350.00  Stanley Nihart, 15, Dakota and Buehrer.
Beavers back in creek.  Will call ODNR if needed
Lapel pins for life members and officer pins available.
Discussed on Octoberfest.  Looking for interest the details at next meeting.

Motion to Adjourn.  Krill and second Horn.  passed.

Sec. Towns, notes taken by Franzdorf

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