Tuesday, April 22, 2003
Meeting called to order by Vice-President Dan Griffin at the Lodge with the following members present: Opening prayer was offered by Chaplin M. Krill. After the reading of the minutes of the last meeting, motion by M. Krill, 2nd by J. Viers to accept. Motion passed after voice vote. Treasurer's report: (refer to hard copy of minutes) Motion by B. Noethen, 2nd by L. Lawrence to accept the treasurer’s report. Motion passed after voice vote. C. Rose requested a donation for his wife to participate in the Big Brothers-Big Sisters Bowling League. K. Beck reported he is bowling also. Motion by C. Rose, 2nd by M. Krill to donate $25.00 to each for a total of $50.00. Motion passed after voice vote. J. Walker reported he had been advised to not use the old water pressure tank as a BBQ as it is galvanized and will give off toxic fumes. After discussion on what to do with the tank, it was decided to table a decision until the next meeting. J. Walker advised the National Peace Officers’ Memorial Day is May 15th and stated we need to make a decision this meeting if we want to hold an event this year as the date is before our next meeting. K. Hager passed photographs of the completed memorial marker and advised it will be set on the Courthouse Square by that date. We will need seven (7) officers for an honor guard to be headed by Sergeant at Arms J. Shaffer. J. Walker advised he has 12 ga. shotgun blanks left over from last year. Chaplin M. Krill will offer prayer at the service. K. Hager advised he will help with statistics. G. Brillhart will check with the Bryan Chamber on dates available either the weekend before or after the 15th and report his findings to President S. Nihart. After the President decides on a date, he will report to Secretary J. Walker who will notify all members by e-mails and send faxes to all departments of the date and time the service will be held. D. Griffin reported that S. Nihart had received an offer from J. Shaffer to use his backhoe to repair the drainage tile but he needs a hydraulic cylinder replaced. S. Nihart felt the lodge would be ahead on expenses if we paid to replace the cylinder and let him do the work. After some discussion, the decision was tabled until the next meeting to get a definite price from Shaffer as well as prices from other businesses that would be able to do the work. R. Walsh presented a catalog from Therma-Tru for members to look at to choose a French door for the Lodge. After discussion, it was decided to let the Building Committee decide on a of couple choices and report back to the membership to make a decision at the next meeting. J. Walker reported that Alisa Nardone of the Williams County Health Department has a grant that will partially pay for a speed trailer to be used by all police departments in the county. She reported she is approximately $2,000 short and is asking for a donation from the Lodge to assist. Motion my L. Lawrence, 2nd by C. Long to have her attempt other contacts first for donations and then allow up to $2,500.00 from the Lodge to cover any shortfalls and also the Lodge be allowed to place an FOP emblem on the trailer. Motion passed after voice vote. There being no further business, motion by J. Viers, 2nd by R. Walsh to adjourn. Motion passed after voice vote. James G. WalkerSecretary, FOP 181 - Back - |