Tuesday, April 16, 2002
Meeting called to order by President Kevin Hager at the Lodge with the following members present: After reading of the minutes of the last meeting, motion by C. Rose, 2nd by B. Noethen to accept. Motion passed after voice vote. K. Hager reported the Memorial Committee met with the County Commissions and they have approved the service to be held on the Square on May 12th. They have also approved a memorial marker to be placed on the square. The Memorial Committee is to meet concerning the memorial marker ideas and report back to the membership. S. Nihart questioned the price quoted for the driveway. After discussion, S. Nihart and D. Griffin are to obtain further quotes and report back to the membership. K. Hager questioned G. Brillhart concerning J. Ridgway’s police officer status. Brillhart advised that even though Ridgway is in the appeals process, he is not a sworn officer. Therefore, it was decided to remove him from membership with the understanding that should he again become an active police officer, he can re-apply for membership to the Lodge. Treasurer's report: (refer to hard copy of minutes) C. Rose reported he has been checking on door and window prices to replace the garage door. French doors are running approx $1,230. He priced a 4’ by 9’ casement type window for approx $855 and he recommended we purchase that. After some discussion, it was decided to get more prices for a window. C. Rose requested the purchase of heavy duty shelving units for the new garage. Motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by S. Suchocki to purchase 3 units at $46.88 each. Motion passed after voice vote. C. Rose reported the Lodge has purchased 2 Bryan Chamber raffle tickets. C. Rose requested a donation to sponsor his wife in the Big Sister, Big Brother bowling tournament. Motion by S. Nihart, 2nd by M. Arnold to donate $25 each to Colin’s wife, D. Shindledecker and G. Brillhart. Motion passed after voice vote. K. Hager reported he will be donating a steel desk to the lodge with the understanding that he will not take it back in the future. He will also be donating an electronic dartboard to the lodge game room. J. Arnold advised that he is watching the new telemarketing laws closely as they may be affecting our fundraisers in the future. K. Hager asked when we might want to hold our spring cookout. S. Nihart and K. Hager are to make a decision and report back at the next meeting. C. Rose reported the trees that were ordered have been received and planted. Work dates were set for Saturday, April 27 and Saturday, May 4. Work to begin around 10:00 AM. There being no further business, motion by S. Nihart, 2nd by J. Arnold to adjourn. Motion passed after voice vote. James G. WalkerSecretary, FOP 181 - Back - |