Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Meeting called to order by Sgt. of Arms, Gary Mohre who also led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Members present were Scott Boyd, Randy Buehrer, Justin Coffman, Jacob Ferrebee, Matt Krill, Nick Lanzer, Tyler Maynard, Jamie Mendez, Steve Mendez, Randy Mills, Stephanie Mills, Greg Ruskey, Steve Schlosser, Andrew Skiles, Jeremy Viers, Tyson Wasilewski, Terry Bartel, Gale Horn, Gary Mohre, Tom Szymczak and Jim Walker.

Motion by Matt Krill to accept February's Secretary Report as posted, 2nd by Steve Schlosser with Motion passing after voice vote.

Treasure, Justin Coffman gave Treasure's Report.  Motion by Jim Walker, 2nd by Randy Buehrer to accept with Motion passing after voice vote.  Hard copy attached.

Steve Graziani, Jacob Spiess and Jonathan Roberts were all accepted as members.

Jeremy Viers reminded members that scholarship applications would be due and reviewed by the committee of Steve Schlosser, Matt Krill, Justin Coffman and Andy Skiles.  Members would arrive early to review and vote.
Motion by Andy Skiles to move Steve Schlosser to life member.  2nd by Randy Buehrer with Motion passing after voice vote.  Steve was present and thanked by members for his work.  Members advised of his retirement party.

Steve Mendez mentioned that the American Flag and sign on the front of the building were needing attention.  He was put in charge of getting prices to fix the Captain Custar sign.  Jeremy Viers also stated that the trees that have overgrown in front of the building could be cut back as an additional option.
Gary Mohre talked about kids going through diversion and wanting to be able to celebrate that their graduation.  Motion by Gale Horn to give $2000.00 with 2nd by Scott Boyd.  Motion passed after voice vote and check would be written to a special fund through the Probate Court.
Randy Mills talked about the extra items that would be needed for the K9 for Pioneer PD.  Motion by Jim Walker to give $500.00, 2nd by Gale Horn with Motion passing after voice vote.
Tyler Maynard talked about the Park with the Police event and how he would like to see more officers present to play game and interact with kids in attendance.  Event is June 10, 2023 from 10 am to 3 pm at the Imagination Station in Bryan.  Motion by Jim Walker to give $700.00 with a 2nd by Greg Ruskey.  Motion was passed and the event will count as a work day for Members.
Gale Horn talked about the NRA and Friends of the NRA Banquets that has been sponsored in the past.  Motion by Jeremy Viers to buy a table at each event with 2nd by Tom Szymczak.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Jeremy Viers mentioned that Actor Daniel Roebuck would be at the Bryan Theatre to promote his latest movie Giving Grace and suggested families attend to watch a great movie.  All proceeds would be donated to the area CHP Home Care and Hospice Center.
Motion by Jeremy Viers to purchase 6, $100.00 tickets to the Bryan Chamber of Commerce reverse raffle.  2nd by Steve Schlosser with Motion passing after voice vote.

Motion by Gary Mohre to adjourn, 2nd by Matt Krill with Motion passing after voice vote.

Minutes typed by Andy Skiles, Secretary

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