Tuesday, March 28th, 2017

Meeting called to order by President Jeremy Viers at the Lodge with the following members present:  Steve Schlosser, Dan Griffin, Steve Suchocki, John Doseck, Terry Bartel, Gary Mohre, Jeremy Viers, Tyson Wasilewski, Matt Franzdorf, Randy Buehrer, Fernando Chavez, Nic Lanzer and James Walker.   Matthew Krill and Hayworth Treace sent notice to be excused.

No minutes posted

Treasure’s Report:  (Report included with hard copy only)
Motion by S. Schlosser, 2nd by R. Buehrer to accept the treasure’s report as given.  Motion passed after voice vote.

OLD BUSINESS:  nothing

Motion by M. Franzdorf, 2nd by F. Chavez to move James Foltz to life membership status.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Motion by J. Viers, 2nd by G. Mohre to renew membership of Dan Griffin.  Dues paid by D. Griffin.  Motion passed after voice vote.
J. Walker asked all members to verify their personal and Department information as listed on the Current Membership Roster on the FOP web page.  This is under the members section.  For any changes please send Walker an email by clicking on “Note to Webmaster” at the bottom of the web site page.
J. Viers discussed the FOP Facebook page.  The page will remain private but there may be postings in the future that will be able to be viewed by friends of FOP members, for example a fundraiser open to non-members.  Also, for those members that have a joint account with a spouse or only view Facebook through a spouse the members can join the group.
Motion by J. Viers, 2nd by S. Schlosser to donate $250.00 to the Law Enforcement Torch Run to benefit the Ohio Special Olympics.  With this donation the lodge name will appear on approximately 10k official Torch Run T-Shirts.  Noted by J. Viers that no run will take place in Williams County but members are encouraged to join in Defiance Torch Run on June 20th.  Motion Passed after voice vote.
Motion by J. Viers, 2nd by R. Buehrer to sell the vending machine that is in the garage.  Item to be posted for sale to the public.  Refrigerator in garage is being taken back by J. Walker.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Motion by J. Viers, 2nd by S. Suchocki to sponsor a table $500.00 at the Williams County Veterans Ball held in November 11th at the Williams County Veteran’s Building.  The sponsorship includes 8 tickets.  Tickets will be given on first come basis to members who are veterans first and will include spouses.  If tickets go unspoken by veterans then other members will be offered tickets by next meeting.  Motion passed by voice vote.
Motion by D. Griffin, 2nd by R. Buehrer for purchase of ring through FOP for 10 years of service as lodge officer by J. Viers.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Motion by S. Schlosser, 2nd by T. Bartell to adjourn meeting.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Minutes typed by:
Jeremy G. Viers

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