March 27, 2018
Captain Custar Lodge Secretary Report
Meeting at the lodge called to order by Gary Mohre who also led members with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were Gary Mohre, Jeremy Viers,
Tom Szymczak, Matt Krill, Justin Coffman, Steve Suchocki, Ed Biederstedt, Nick Lanzer, Scott Boyd, Tyson Wasilewski, Randy Buehrer, Fernando Chavez, Dan Cline,
Gale Horn, Ken Jacob, Michelle Jacob, Steve Schlosser, JR Treace, Marvin Hug, Paul Zawodny and Andy Skiles.
Motion by Ken Jacob, 2nd by Steve Schlosser to accept February minutes as posted. Motion passed by voice vote.
Treasurer’s Report: (see hard copy)
Motion by Steve Suchocki, 2nd by Matt Krill to accept February treasurer report as posted. Motion passed by voice vote.
Old business:
Jeremy Viers reported his experience at Lobby Day in Columbus.
Gale Horn thanked the lodge for the donation of 14 kits for the student volunteers at the Mock Crash, scheduled for April 11, 2018 at the fairgrounds.
New Business:
Jeremy Viers reported that he had Relay for Life gun raffle tickets if the lodge were interested. Motion by Steve Suchocki, 2nd by Steve Schlosser to purchase 10
tickets for $100.00. Motion passed by voice vote.
Jeremy Viers reported that Stan Nihart had Bryan Chamber of Commerce tickets for April 19, 2018. Motion by Marvin Hug, 2nd by Steve Schlosser to purchase 2
tickets for $150.00. Motion passed by voice vote.
Jeremy Viers reported that John Rathke (OSP) and his wife have a newborn in ICU. Motion by JR Treace, 2nd by Paul Zawodny to give $250.00 to help with additional
expenses. Motion passed by voice vote.
Jeremy Viers asked if there was interest for a pool tournament at the Lodge April 15, 2018 starting at 4. Motion by Jeremy Viers, 2nd by Tom Szymczak for gift
cards to the winners. Motion passed by voice vote.
Paul Zawodny asked membership if the FOP Golf Outing should be continued due to low participation and if so, will need help to organize. Material is already
available from last year for the night portion. Conversation tabled for further discussion.
Williams County Fair Foundation/Poultry Producers looking for donations to help fund a new building. Conversation tabled as more information was requested.
Jeremy Viers reminded members the due date for applications for the Tara Arnold Scholarship and the FOP Scholarship were April 15, 2018. Gale Horn, Matt Krill
and Steve Schlosser will review applications.
Motion by Gale Horn, 2nd by Marvin Hug to adjourn. Motion passed by voice vote.
Minutes typed by Andy Skiles, Secretary
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