FOP Captain Custar Lodge 181
March 27, 2012

Attending: Matt Franzdorf, Matt Uran, Chris Chappa, Jeff Arnold, Matt Krill, Steve Mendez, Steve Schlosser, JR Treace, Justin Garza, Randy Buehrer, Terry Bartel, Nick Lanzer, Justin Coffman, Scott Boyd, Tyson Wasilewski, Jim Walker, Jeremy Viers, Steve Towns.  Excused: Tim Livengood

Meeting minutes as posted on website, motion for approval.  Steve Schlosser motion to accept, JR Trease second.  Motion passed

Treasury Summary read by Jeff Arnold and passed around the room.  Copy available for review.  No motion on this information.

New Member - Johnathan Roberts - Paid $50.00 check - Motion made to accept by Terry Bartel, second by Steve Schlosser.  Motion passed.

Old Business: None

New Business:
Bill from Liecty's for service to Kubota tractor - $935.00 Motion to pay Jeff Arnold, second by Matt Krill motion passed.
Golf Outing for Tara Arnold Memorial Scholarship set for June 9th, 2012 at Suburban Golf.  Forms and hole sponsors available.
Torch Run for Special Olympics - June 18th - Run / Walk/ ride will be possible.  Committee - Steve Mendez/ Justin Coffman and Jeremy Viers.  It is open to non members also.  Lodge is considering sponsor on shirts.  Motion to spend $250.00 to have our Lodge added to shirts: Randy Buehrer made motion, Matt Uran second Motion passed.
Scholarship Applications due April 30th 2012 meeting - Jeff Arnold has applications.
Tara Arnold Scholarship applications available also.
Boy Scouts and Volley for Autism sent thank you cards.
FOP Softball team requested entry fee for league this year- $550.00 Steve Schlosser Motion / JR Trease second - motion passed.
Wadsworth Police Competition shoot May, 26 - Forms available.
Theta Kappa of Edon - Easter egg hunt. $50.00 donation same as last year.  Motion Jeff Arnold second by Steve Schlosser Motion Passed.
Motion to make - Matt Uran Life Member since his crash forced him to retire on disability.  Chris Chappa made motion Second by Steve Schlosser.  Motion Passed.
Jeff Arnold wanted other departments to be aware Dick Moog is no longer working at the Bryan Range.  He also wanted officers to be aware of new legislation about retirement.  Officers should keep updated on these proposals.

Motion to adjourn: JR Trease second by: Randy Buehrer. motion passed.

Mins. taken by Steve Towns Sec.

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