Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Meeting called to order by Secretary Jim Walker at the Lodge with the following members present: Motion by R. Brown, 2nd by R. Brown to accept the minutes of the last meeting as posted. Motion passed after voice vote. Treasurer’s report: (refer to hard copy of minutes) B. Noethen reported he has received one insurance quote for Lodge coverage at $1,078 per year compared to $1,400 with our current carrier. The quote is for both buildings at $187,800 as well as replacement value of contents. He said he should have the second quote by next meeting. J. Walker explained that he, B. Noethen and G. Horn presented the check to Danielle Dressel in Toledo. Afterwards, they had the slot machine repaired and then did price comparisons at several stores purchasing the new microwave with ventless exhaust for the kitchen. Also priced was a kegerator. G. Horn purchased the kegerator and asked if the Lodge would be interested in purchasing it from him. Motion by B. Noethen, 2nd by S. Doctor to purchase. Motion passed after voice vote. B. Noethen explained that a quote had been received for both Laminate and Corian counter tops for the game room bar. Laminate was priced at $475-$500 with a retail value of $1,000. Corian was priced at $700-$800 with a retail value of $2,500. Motion by K. Stickney, 2nd by M. Krill to purchase the Corian top for the game room and proceed with getting quotes for Corian for both kitchen counters. Motion passed after voice vote. J. Walker stated we have received three applications for FOP scholarships and he had been advised there is one more coming. It was decided to table this until the next meeting. J. Viers reported the 30th Annual Police & Fire Games will be held June 10-15, 2007 in Troy, OH. A link will be placed on our members area home page for anyone that is interested in more information. Discussion on what to do with the old bar/light bar combination. As we now have a new bar and a lack of storage space, motion by G. Horn, 2nd by J. Viers to sell it as is. Motion passed unanimously after voice vote. After a short auction, sold to B. Noethen for $150. J. Viers requested to reserve the Lodge for a birthday party on Saturday, April 28, 2007 from 2:00 PM to whenever. A notice was posted reserving the lodge for him. After some discussion, it was decided to hold a Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament for FOP members and their guests only. J. Viers will set a date. There being no further business, motion by M. Krill, 2nd by K. Stickney to adjourn. Motion passed after voice vote. James G. Walker - Back - |