FOP Lodge 181  03/25/2014

Dan Cline, Gary Mohre, Mike Willis, Jeff Arnold, Gale Horn, JR Trease, Tom Szymczak, John Doseck, Paul Zawodny, Justin Coffman, Randy Buehrer, Steve Schlosser, Terry Bartell, Paul McCord, Nic Lanzer, Steve Mendez, Jeremy Veirs, Steve Towns.  Working Matt Arnold and Kirk Stickney

Motion to accept mins. Randy Buehrer, second Gary Mohre - passed.

Old business:
Estimates for driveway and parking lot range from $7,700.00 to $13,000.00.  Will be more discussion and determine at a later date.

Scholarships due April 15th.  Proof of GPA.  Will be awarded June 2014.

Golf Outing move up to $45.00  Motion Veirs, second Zawodny passed.

Banquet tickets:  65 sold so far.

New Business:
Steve Schlosser:  Motion for FOP lodge softball team - $550.00 second by Dan Cline motion passed.

Paul McCord:  Motion for donation to DARE for graduation party supplies.  538 students.  somewhere in the range of 600 people.  Jeff Arnold made a motion for $1000.00 to DARE refreshments.  second Tom Szymczak.  Motion passed.

New Furnace Al Ordway estimate 7000 BTU 80% - $3600.00 and 95% $4,100.00.  Check on trade in for old unit.  Justin Coffman motion and Schlosser second.  Motion passed.

Gale Horn - Motion to request 14 first aid kits to donate to mock crash for kids involved in crash scene.  Bell first aid kit, $300.00  4/16/14 is day of event.  Motion second by Paul McCord.  Motion passed.

Edon Boy Scouts #74 Gary Mohre made motion to give $300.00 to troop for camping expedition.  Second by Steve Mendez.  Motion passed.

Williams Co. Human Society requesting sponser for a cat kennel $100.00  Motion made by Jeff Arnold and second by Dan Cline.  motion passed.

Motion to Adjourn:  Gary Mohre second by Tom Szymczak.

Mins. S. Towns, Sec'y

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