Tuesday, March 25, 2003
Meeting called to order by President Stan Nihart at the Lodge with the following members present: After the reading of the minutes of the last meeting, motion by K. Beck, 2nd by J. Arnold to accept. Motion passed after voice vote. No Treasurer’s report. S. Nihart reported we bought a new popcorn popper from Pence Concessions for a discounted price of $250 which included 8 pounds of popcorn. J. Arnold reported the John Richards fund raising event is a promotional drawing being conducted over a 26 week period. Motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by C. Rose to donate $200. Motion passed after voice vote. K. Beck thanked the Lodge on behalf of the Leadership Williams County Class for the generous donation made to them. J. Arnold reported the cheapest price for a French style door he could find was $600. After some discussion, Arnold is to keep checking prices. R. Walsh stated she will check styles at her work place and report back as she can purchase at discounted prices. S. Nihart requested J. Shaffer look into mounting the old water pressure tank onto a trailer for use as a BBQ. S. Nihart requested J. Walker mark the locations where the drainage tile has collapsed with flags so they can be located and repaired. Nothing new to report on the progress of the Memorial Marker. S. Nihart reported the minutes of the meetings will no longer be posted on our homepage. The minutes of the previous meetings will be read at the start of each meeting. J. Arnold requested a donation be made to Williams County Crime Stoppers. Motion by C. Rose, 2nd by J. Walker to donate $250. Motion passed after voice vote. J. Viers asked about any upcoming work details. S. Nihart reported there is work to be done and some dates will be set. Following some discussion, since J. Arnold has a forestry background, S. Nihart put him in charge of a work detail to maintain the planted trees over the hill by pruning and trimming, etc. S. Nihart read a letter from the State FOP regarding the upcoming FOP Torch Run and a request for a donation. Motion by J. Edwards, 2nd by G. Horn to donate $250. Motion passed after voice vote. There being no further business, motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by R. Walsh to adjourn. Motion passed after voice vote. James G. WalkerSecretary, FOP 181 - Back - |