Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Meeting called to order by president Jeremy Viers at the Lodge with the followings members present:  Matt Arnold, Ryan Baird, Kevin Beck, Scott Boyd, Chris Chapa, John Doseck, Matt Franzdorf, Bill Hodapp, Matt Krill, Nick Lanzer, Gary Mohre, Randy Mohre, Stan Nihart, Jason Randall, Jeff Ridgway, Greg Ruskey, Tom Szymczak, Steve Towns, Jeremy Viers, Jim Walker and Tyson Wasilewski.  Excused members were Jennifer Bosiacki, Rachelle Delno, Gale Horn, Jim Snivley and Matt Uran.

Motion by M. Arnold, 2nd by T. Szymczak to accept the minutes of the last meeting as posted.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Treasurer’s report:  (refer to hard copy of minutes)
Recommend that we donate $2000 for the 2010 year with $1000 already donated.
Motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by T. Szymczak for the purpose to review donation requests by board of 3 members.  Motion failed 6 for, 13 against, and 3 abstained.

Scholarship applications are out.

Motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by C. Chapa that Golf outing will have proceeds to benefit the Tara Arnold Scholarship Fund.  Motion passed by voice vote.

Golf Outing will be held at Riverside Greens Golf Course located at 20010 CR F in Stryker, Ohio on June 12, 2010 at 08:30 am.

Motion by J. Viers, 2nd by G. Ruskey to purchase a used propane tank.  Motion passed by voice vote.

J. Ridgway wanted to check on status of donation from last $75. Motion passed by voice vote.

Motion to form a committee to discuss the possibility of reverse raffle on October to offset the Scholarship Fund.  Committee members are: J. Ridgway, R. Baird, S. Towns and S. Nihart.

Request for Red Cross donation.  Motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by C. Chapa not to donate.  Motion passed by voice vote.

Request to buy Fireworks Reverse Raffle tickets at $70 per ticket for May 22, 2010.  Motion by C. Chapa, 2nd by T. Szymczak to not donate.  Motion passed by voice vote.

Motion by G. Ruskey, 2nd by S. Towns to donate $800 to fund an FOP softball team.  Money will be used for fees and shirts for the team of 7 members of the Lodge.  Motion passed by 12 for, 1 against, and 9 abstained.

There being no further business, motion by G. Mohre, 2nd by M. Arnold to adjourn.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Rachelle M. Delno
Secretary, FOP 181

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