Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Meeting called to order by Sgt. Of Arms, Gary Mohre who also led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Members present were Ed Biederstedt, Justin Coffman, Nick Lanzer, Jason Raymond, Steve Schlosser, Andrew Skiles, Jeremy Viers, Terry Bartel, Kevin Beck, Gale Horn, Marvin Hug, Gary Mohre, Tom Szymszak and Paul Zawodny.  President Jeremy Viers stated that Scott Boyd and Josh Mercer were both working.

Jeremy stated the February minutes were posted to the website for review.  Motion to accept secretary report was made by Jason Raymond, 2nd by Marvin Hug with Motion passing after voice vote.

Treasure, Justin Coffman gave Treasure's Report.  Motion by Ed Biederstedt, 2nd by Steve Schlosser to accept with Motion passing after voice vote.  Hard copy attached.

Motion by Marvin Hug, 2nd by Steve Schlosser to table new member application from Matt Zook who works for the sheriff’s office.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Vice President, Tom Szymczak advised members that the CIRS training was cancelled due to only three people attending can be rescheduled.  There was an agreement that the previous Motion of the money to bring the training to Williams County would continue.
Jeremy Viers stated he gave the Inspection of Property form to the County Auditor.
There was also conversation about someone that might be interested in scheduling the mowing for the year.  Jeremy Viers stated he would email and try to have each week covered by a member.

Treasurer, Justin Coffman stated that Van Hug, neighbor to the west would be running a tile across his property and if the Lodge was interested in having it continue to Fish Creek.  Motion by Jeremy Viers, 2nd by Marvin Hug that Justin would contact Van Hug about who's putting in his tile and would make contact regarding the costs of continuing it across the property.  There is a broken tile area that a newer tile would help dry the lower area of the property.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Tom Szymczak reminded members that the Mock Crash is scheduled for April 27, set up is April 26.  The last demonstration was cancelled due to covid.  The vehicle safety kits were still available for the kids that would be involved.
Jeremy stated that the scholarship applications would be due by April 15 and reviewed by Steve Schlosser, Justin Coffman and Matt Krill prior to the April meeting.
A Memorial Day event is scheduled for May 15, 2022 at the Courthouse.  Tim Livengood stated that he would be willing to have a speech prepared for the ceremony which might be moved to Monday, May 16 for a better opportunity for the community to attend.  Decision is tabled for April meeting.
Gale Horn stated he had table tickets available for sale for the Friends of the NRA Banquet on April 2.  The banquet will be at the Gillett Building at the fairgrounds and they are a major donator that helps purchase firearm equipment and educational material to the 4H group Shooting Sports.  Motion by Gary Mohre to purchase a table for $1,500.00, 2nd by Jason Raymond.  Table cost includes dinner for 8 people, gun raffle tickets and an automatic winner of one of three firearms.  Conversation about the purchase of a table at the Defiance banquet and how to support a group that helps training, education and safety in Williams County.  It was also discussed about members raffling tickets for the gun to help raise funds at the fall banquet to offset the cost.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Motion to adjourn by Gary Mohre, 2nd by Terry Bartel with Motion passing after voice vote.

Minutes typed by Andy Skiles, Secretary

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