Tuesday March 22, 2016

Meeting called to order by President Jeremy Viers with the following members in attendance:  Ed Biederstedt, Scott Boyd, Randy Buehrer, Fernando Chavez, Justin Coffman, Gale Horn, Jason Raymond, Steve Schlosser, Steve Suchocki, Hayworth Treace, Jeremy Viers, Terry Bartel, John Doseck, Gary Mohre, Tom Szymczak and Jim Walker.

Jeremy presented the treasurer’s report.  Steve Schlosser made a motion to accept, Jim Walker 2nd, motion passed.

Jeremy asked if everyone saw the previous minutes.  Jim Walker made a motion to accept the previous minutes, Steve Suchocki 2nd, motion passed.

Jeremy Viers presented a membership application for Ben Baldwin.  Justin Coffman made a motion that we accept the application.  Jim Walker 2nd, Motion passed.

Ben Murray from the E-Sight Organization explained their program and thanked the FOP for donating.

Old Business:

New Business:
Mock Crash April 13, 2016 at 0900.  Gale Horn requested the lodge purchase emergency roadside kits to present to the students who volunteered to help during the presentation.  The cost is $321.59.  Gale also requested officers from the county assist and be present for the presentation.  Gale Horn made a motion for the Lodge to cover the cost of the emergency kits, Jason Raymond 2nd.  Motion passed.
Steve Schlosser made a statement that they would not be having a FOP softball team this year.
Jeremy Viers explained that the Scholarship applications are due by April 16, 2016 to include transcripts.
JR Treace requested a donation for the Stryker Summer Recreation.  Jeremy Viers made a motion to donate $100.00, Jason Raymond 2nd.  Motion passed.

Steve Suchocki made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Steve Schlosser.  Meeting adjourned after voice vote.

Minutes taken by Secretary Hayworth Treace

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