Tuesday February 28, 2017

1900- Meeting called to order with the following members present:  Steve Suchocki, Gary Mohre, Steve Schlosser, Tom Szymczak, Steve Towns, Ken Jacob, Michelle Jacob, Ben Baldwin, Fernando Chavez, John Doseck, Terry Bartell, Ed Biederstedt, Randy Buehrer, Tyson Wasilewski, Matt Krill, Scott Boyd, Jason Raymond, Jim Walker and Jeremy Viers.

A motion made by Matt Krill to accept the minutes as posted and the treasurer’s Report.  2nd by Steve Schlosser.  Motion passed after voice vote.

New Business:
Tom Szymzcak made a motion to give a $50.00 donation to the Theta Kappa for their Easter egg festival, 2nd by Jason Raymond.  otion passed after voice vote.
Discussion on scholarship application requirements
Tickets to Kiwanis drawing given away
Discussion on the Tara Arnold scholarship fund.
Gary Mohre requested the lodge pay $1300.00 to finish their vehicle. Motion made by Scott Boyd, 2nd by Jason Raymond, motion passed after voice vote.
FOP decals for sale for $3.00
Jeremy announced that the 2016 taxes are done
Discussion on handling funds in the future, No action

Jeremy Viers made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Randy Buehrer.

Hayworth Treace, Secretary

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