FOP Lodge 181 Meeting 02-28-12
Attendance: Stan Nihart, Dan McGee, Steve Towns, Jeff Arnold, Matt Franzdorf, Steve Schlosser, Greg Ruskey, Matt Krill, John Doseck. Gale Horn, Jim Walker, Gary Mohre,
Steve Mendez, Paul Zawodny, Nick Lanzer, Steve Suchocki, Randy Buehrer, Darrell Higbie, randy Mohre, Terry Bartel
TREASURE’S REPORT: Attached to Secretaries copy of the minutes reported by Dan McGee
Posted thank-you note from Linda Taylor for the flowers sent when her husband passed away and a thank-you from Sadie Griffin for the scholarship money
Edon Boy scouts requested donation for materials to repair the roof of dugouts. Gary Mohre motion for $250.00 second by Steve Schlosser (passed)
Volley for Autism – March 10th – Steve Suchocki motion for $250.00 second by Steve Schlosser (passed)
Reminder that Scholarship applications are due to Jeff Arnold by April 30th. Minimum GPA is 2.5
Raffle: Last years, 2011, raised $7600.00 vs. $5300.00 in 2010. Next raffle is set for Oct. 7th with the price and number of tickets staying the
same. There will be more side activities and we are checking into pull tabs.
Motion for the lodge to buy a ticket to other raffles that purchase tickets to our raffle. This is to keep us in good standing with other fund raisers. Stan
Nihart made the motion second by Steve Towns (passed)
Minutes by Secretary Steve Towns
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