Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Meeting called to order by Sgt. of Arms, Gary Mohre who also led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Members present were Andy Skiles, Tom Szymczak, Justin Coffman, Terry Bartel, Randy Mills, Stephanie Mills, Ken Jacob, Matt Krill, John Rathke, Jason Raymond, Gale Horn, Jason Randall, Nick Lanzer, Gary Mohre and Ashley Kunesh.

VP Tom Szymczak filled in for Jeremy Viers who was away at training.  He introduced District Representative, Mike Watkins who talked about political bills with FOP support.  He indicated how important it was for Lodge's to have someone and an Alternate go to as many state conferences as possible.  Every vote is important for issues and those running for the State Committee Board.

Motion to accept Secretary Report posted online by Gale Horn, 2nd by Terry Bartel with Motion passing after voice vote.

Justin Coffman gave the financial report with Motion to Accept by Matt Krill, 2nd by Jason Raymond with Motion passing after voice vote.  Justin stated that he gave Bryan Area Foundation more money for the Tara Arnold Scholarship to bring it up to the minimum amount.

Bowling contest between first responders was well attended and had several law enforcement teams compete against the EMS and Bryan Fire Department.
The 4H Foundation was informed that the Lodge was going to donate a Glock handgun for their raffle.  There are 4H groups that focus on teaching shooting and safe firearm usage.
It was determined for the Mock Crash that two tarps and 10 kits will be purchased.  There will also be further information at the next meeting regarding hosting another party at the Wyse Guys restaurant in West Unity.  Research will be done on the cost of a new vacuum for the Lodge.
Members on the scholarship committee will be John Rathke, Justin Coffman and Matt Krill.

Gale Horn talked more about the NRA Banquet and table options available for purchase.  Motion by Stephanie Mills to purchase the $5,000.00 table.  2nd by Jason Raymond with Motion passing after voice vote.  The Lodge will receive 8 seats at the Diamond Table with the Lodge being recognized as a supporter of the raffle.  8 firearms will also be given to the Lodge for future fundraisers.  Additional raffle tickets will be available with the purchase of the table.
Letter from Theta Kappa Sorority was received asking for a donation to their Easter Egg Hunt.  Motion by Matt Krill to give $50.00 with 2nd by Jason Randall.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Tom Szymczak advised Members that the Bryan Area Foundation is offering a training seminar on Sustaining Non Profit groups on April 18 from 5-8:30 and on the 19 from 8:30 to noon.  Motion by Matt Krill to pay $100.00, 2nd by Jason Raymond.  Motion passed after voice vote.
Stephanie Mills brought it to Members attention that the American Legion in Montpelier sponsors high school kids to attend the Buckeye Boys and Girls State in Bowling Green.  For extra students that want to do, they must pay $350.00 to attend.  Motion by Stephanie for the Lodge to pay, 2nd by Gale Horn with Motion passing after voice vote.
Member Jason Randall was present and talked about his goals if elected as sheriff.

Motion by Gale Horn to adjourn, 2nd by Terry Bartel with Motion passing after voice vote.

Minutes typed by Andy Skiles, Secretary

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