February 27, 2018
Captain Custar Lodge Secretary Report

Meeting at the lodge called to order by President Jeremy Viers and Gary Mohre led with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Present at the meeting were Jeremy Viers, Gary Mohre, Tom Szymczak, Matt Krill, Justin Coffman, Greg Ruskey, JR Jones, Chris Chapa, Steve Suchocki, Ed Biederstedt, Nick Lanzer, Tim Livengood, Jason Raymond, Scott Boyd, Tyson Wasilewski, Terry Bartel and Andy Skiles.  Jason Randall reported his absence due to work schedule.

Motion by Chris Chapa, 2nd by Matt Krill to accept January minutes as posted.  Motion passed by voice vote.

No treasurer’s report given.

No old business reported.

New Business:
Jeremy Viers read a memorial and requested members in attendance to stand and give a moment of silence to honor former Sheriff Denver Mock, Jr. that passed away.
Tom Szymszak mentioned that the Mock Crash is approaching and the lodge has donated first aid kits to student volunteers in the past.  Motion by Gary Mohre, 2nd by Jason Raymond to continue with the donation of approximately 14 kits.
Jeremy Viers received emails from Mike Watkins, FOP 6th District Trustee of upcoming meetings.  First is March 12th in Defiance where Attorney General Candidate, Steve Dettelbach will meet with local FOP leadership to discuss issues of importance.  Lobby Day is March 13-14 in Columbus for a member to attend with the focus on collective bargaining.  Motion by Jason Raymond, 2nd by Matt Krill to pay expenses for Jeremy Viers to attend.
Tim Livengood asked members if officers had any concerns regarding OHLEG to relay that to him.  He may be involved with meetings and feedback regarding improvement to the website.
Jeremy Viers reminded members they will be reviewing applications for the Tara Arnold Scholarship and the FOP Scholorship and brief requirements.

Motion by Ed Biederstedt, 2nd by JR Jones to adjourn.  Motion passed by voice vote.

Minutes typed by Andrew Skiles, Secretary

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