Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Meeting called to order by Vice-President Jeremy Viers at the Lodge with the following members present:
Jeff Arnold, Jennifer Bosiacki, Rachelle Delno, Steve Doctor, John Doseck, Matt Franzdorf, Greg Harkey, Gale Horn, Matt Krill, Mike Marchek, Bill Noethen, Jeff Ridgway, Jim Snivley, Tom Szymczak, Matt Uran and Jim Walker.

J. Viers introduced new members Matt Franzdorf, Mike Marchek, Jeff Ridgway and Matt Uran.

Motion by T. Szymczak, 2nd by G. Horn to accept the minutes of the last meeting as posted.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Treasurer’s report:  (refer to hard copy of minutes)
Motion by T.Szymczak, 2nd by M. Krill to accept the treasurer’s report.  Motion passed after voice vote.

New applicants Matt Franzdorf and Matt Uran both with OSHP.  Motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by T. Szymczak to accept.  Motion passed by voice vote.

J. Walker reported for the building committee that the refrigerator was purchased and delivered.  The plumber will be coming on Thursday the 28th to fix the leak in the kitchen sink.  We now have a service contract for the furnace and air conditioner from JMS mechanical.

J. Snivley reported for the banquet committee.  We are not getting very many RSVPS back.  From show of hands we will be getting a DJ for the banquet and are still looking for one.

G. Horn brought in the quotes for the Billiards table that will have the FOP emblem dyed in the felt, upgrade to Belgian premium balls, table cover and oak cue rack priced at $4,314.00.  Motion by J. Walker, 2nd by J. Bosiacki to purchase per Horn’s recommendation.  Motion passed after voice vote.

There was also talk about rules for the lodge and the building committee will work on those.

G. Horn also brought in information on the electronic dartboard with a light oak cabinet to match the pool table.  The price that was quoted was $444.00.  After discussion motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by R. Delno for the dartboard without the cabinet.  Motion passed after voice vote.

B. Noethen requested purchasing 2 more bar stools.  One without a back to go behind the bar and the other without a back and that does not swivel for the slot machine.  Both are to match the existing bar stools, priced at about $100.00 each.  Motion by J. Bosiacki, 2nd by J. Ridgeway passed by voice vote.

J. Arnold was inquiring about the reserves being members.  No new information was presented.

Theta Kappa Sorority requested a donation for the Easter egg hunt.  Motion by T.Szymczak 2nd by M. Krill for a $250.00 donation.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Motion by B. Noethen, 2nd by G. Horn to donate $250.00 to the FOP Law Enforcement Torch Run. Motion passed after voice vote.

B. Noethen wanted to know if we wanted more trees to plant, and was decided against.

Scholarship applications were handed out and are to be returned by the April meeting.

A Scholarship committee was also formed with T. Szymczak, J. Arnold, and M. Krill appointed to revise the application and to report back at the next meeting.

G. Horn reported that Linda Barrett is going to be the speaker for the mock crash held on April 9th on her own time.  Requested a donation to cover some of her expenses.  Motion by T. Szymczak, 2nd by J. Bosiacki to donate $150.00.  Motion passed by voice vote.

J. Viers reported that the Better Business Bureau is requesting our credit information.  Motion by T. Szymczak, 2nd by J. Bosiacki to not give any information.

J. Bosiacki brought in pricing for a Nintendo Wii that would include 5 games bowling, tennis, golf, boxing, baseball, 4 remotes, 2 nunchuks, a charging stand for all 4 remotes, and guitar hero with 2 guitars.  Motion by T. Szymczak, 2nd by R. Delno authorizing up to $1,000.00.  Motion passed by voice vote.

J. Viers said that a game night would be planned shortly after all the games arrive.

J. Ridgway requested a donation of $1,000.00 to the Williams County Red Cross.  Motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by R. Delno.  Motion passed by voice vote.

Work detail will be planned for Saturday, March 1, for the removal of the old pool table along with cleaning the carpets and tile.

On Saturday April 5th there will also be a work detail for cleaning and training on the lawnmowers so that the mowing will hopefully get done this summer.

There being no further business, motion by R. Delno 2nd by G. Horn to adjourn.  Motion passed after voice vote.

James G. Walker
Secretary, FOP 181

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