Captain Custar FOP Lodge 181 2/25/2014 Nic Lanzer, Chris Chappa, Terry Bartell, Cody Nelson, Justin Coffman, Randy Buehrer, Paul Zawodny, Jeff Arnold, Gary Mohre, Matt Krill, Mike Willis, Ken Jacob, Michelle Jacob, Matt Franzdorf, Stan Nihart, Jeremy Veirs, Steve Towns, Justin Garza, Scott Boyd, Tyson Wasilewski, Andy Skiles. President Jeremey Viers called meeting to order and pledge of allegiance was recited. Motion to accept mins. Gary Mohre, second by Randy Buehrer. Motion Passed Tres. Report - Given by Stan Nihart - Bank accounts in order Total: $239,000.00 Motion to accept by Matt Krill, second by Chris Chappa - Motion Passed. Jeff Arnold announced - Taxes have been filed and a report will be coming. OLD BUSINESS: Polar Plunge Donation was given by authorization of FOP officers for $300.00. since not time to bring to a vote at the meetings. Golf Outing - Tara Arnold Scholaorship - Locations and dates still being determined. Retirement Banquet: Bryan Eagles April 12th Deadline for attendance is April 1st. Discussion of reverse raffle - Keep price at $40.00 Motion and second. Motion passed. Two tickets bought for Amvets raffle June 7th. Two tickets purchased. Motion by Steve Towns to buy two tickets to the Bryan Girls Softball Reverse raffle since a lot of the same people come to ours. Motion by Jeff Arnold, second by Stan Nihart. Motion passed. Scholarship Apps. must be in by April 15th to Jeff Arnold and Matt Krill. Motion was made to make April 15th 2014 the deal line and the committee the same. Motion made by Stan Nihart and Second by Chris Chappa. Motion passed. NEW BUSINESS: Jeff Arnold discussed getting with someone at the county about fixing the Opdycke Park bridge on CR-16. Discussion was to assist in paying for materials and possible if we could help as labor. Steve Towns added that he has talked with them before about possibly cutting lumber for the project. County Engineer and Park Board will need contacted. Motion to give Theta Kappa Easter egg hunt $50.00 for a donation the event is April 19th. Stan Nihart motion and Terry Bartell second. Motion passed. Torch Run for Special Olympics $250.00 for LETR. Motion by Veirs and second by Randy Buehrer. Motion Passed. Request from Matt Freddeke to give Kye's care $100.00 for medical treatments. Motion by Stan Nihart second by Matt Krill motion passed. Discussion for quotes on driveway for both concrete and blacktop. Also check on prices for Central air and heating for entire building. Several thank you cards for different things. Motion to adjourn - Matt Krill and second by Gary Mohre. Motion passed. Steve Towns, Sec'y - Back - |