Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Meeting called to order by President Gale Horn at the Lodge with the following members present:
Jeff Arnold, Matt Arnold, Kevin Beck, Jennifer Bosiacki, Chris Chappa, John Doseck, James Eaton, Matt Krill, Nick Lanzer, Gary Mohre, Randy Mohre, Stan Nihart, Bill Noethen,
Jason Randall, Jason Schaffer, Jim Snivley, Tom Szymczak, Jeremy Viers, Jim Walker and Leo York. Excused members were Bill Hodapp, Jeff Priester, Jeff Ridgway, Matt Fedderke,
Jeremy Jones, Mario Rodriguez, Kirk Stickney, Steve Suchocki and Michelle Zimmann. (Attendance corrected per motion at March 24, 2009 meeting)
T. Szymczak requested for a donation for the Red Cross of $1,500.00
Motion by J. Walker for $1,000.00
2nd by S. Nyhart
State FOP Torch Run Donation of $250.00
Ney by all, a donation of $100.00 was made last month.
New members:
Greg Rusky of Williams County Sheriffs Office
Tyson Waselewski of Edgerton Police Department
Motion to accept by J. Arnold, 2nd by J. Walker motion passed by voice vote.
J. Viers requested 2 FOP banners and FOP shirts.
Motion by T. Szymczak for 2 banners and the shirts on hold for now. 2nd by S. Nyhart
Motion passed
Lodge Golf Outing Bill Hug from Windwood Hollow Golf Coarse talked about a date, and pricing for 18 holes, cart rental, and food. The date will be June 5th at 9am for
the outing and the rain date will be July 10th at 9am.
Committee members: G. Horn, B Noethan, T. Szymczak, and J. Walker
Looking for donations for holes, door prizes and raffel.
Poker Parties will no longer be for non-members unless it is for fun only and no money changes hands. For members as long as records are kept on who and how much money is
exchanged. President G. Horn talked tot the Attorney General’s Office Richard Cordray advised it would not be a good idea for the lodge to host a poker game at the lodge
due to laws:
2915.02 Gambling Charitable Organizations M1/F5
2915.03 Operating a Gambling House F5
2915.04 Public Gaming M1/M4
K. Beck motion and 2nd by T. Szymczak Passed by all we would not have poker games at the lodge for money
B. Noethan bought the DVD player for $5.00
T. Szymczak motion to adjourn and 2nd by M. Krill
Minutes taken and provided by Gale Horn
Typed by:
Jennifer L. Bosiacki
Secretary, FOP 181
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