Meeting Minutes from February 23rd, 2021

Attendance:  Jeremy Viers, Steve Schlosser, John Rathke, Terry Bartel, Matthew Krill, Justin Coffman, Marvin Hug, Gary Mohre, Randy Buehrer, Ed Biederstedt, Jake Ferrebee, Nick Lanzer, and Tom Szymczak.

Meeting Called to order by President Jeremy Viers.

Motion to approve January’s meeting minutes.  Motion made by Steve Schlosser 2nd by Randy Buehrer

Treasures report from Justin Coffman.  Motion to approve Treasures Report by Matt Krill 2nd by Randy Buehrer Pass

Received new Membership Application/Renewal from Greg Ruskey - Tabled until next meeting.

New Business
Motion to approve New Members Jake Ferrebee and Jordan Williams.  Motion made by Steve Schlosser 2nd by Matt Krill Passed
Note that Scholarship Applications are due by April 15th.  To be reviewed by committee:  Schlosser, Krill, and Coffman
Motion to solicit for a Non-Profit Tax attorney Motion made by Jeremy Viers 2nd Steve Schlosser
Motion for Care Package for Andy Skiles to help with medical expenses / travel, for $100.  Motion made by Jeremey Viers 2nd by Marvin Hug

Motion to Adjourn Motion made by Jim Walker 2nd by Randy Buehrer

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