Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Meeting called to order by Sgt. at Arms, Gary Mohre and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.
The following listed members were in attendance: Justin Coffman, Steve Suchocki, Jason Raymond, Steve Towns, Tom Szymczak, Gary Mohre, Matt Krill, Steve
Schlosser, John Rathke, Steve Mendez, Scott Boyd, Paul Zawodny, Tyson Wasilewski, Jeremy Viers, Randy Buehrer, Nick Lanzer, Ben Baldwin, Stan Nihart and Terry Bartel.
It was discussed that there was a need to pass two listings of minutes for December.
1. Those posted from the prior meeting.
2. Those generated the day of Cops with Kids regarding Sam Yoh and his incident.
A motion was made by Jason Raymond to accept both sets of minutes and was followed by a second of the same from Matt Krill. The motion passed through voice vote
without discussion.
The Treasurers Report: see hard copy
* Stan Nihart informed of an additional deposit of $570.00 on November 29, 2019. He advised it is uncertain where this came from but it is being looked into.
A motion to accept the report came from Steve Suchocki with and was followed by a second of the same from Scott Boyd. The motion passed through voice vote
without discussion.
Old Business:
Jeremy Viers provided an update on the condition of Sam Yoh. He stated that the family was very appreciative of all of the support they have received as Jeremy
had spoken to Sam's wife. He further discussed that Sam has made great progress in his recovery. Jeremy also discussed Andy Skiles and his surgery and
discussed future treatments for Andy. Hopes for a speedy recovery for both Sam and Andy, comes from all members in attendance.
Jeremy Viers discussed the Relay for Life Program and how it benefits persons with cancer. Discussion was had in possibly putting a group together to assist in
facilitating those in need or to help others through this group and program.
Jeremy Viers spoke of a past donation that was discussed by Tom Szymczak for the construction of a new Poultry Barn at the Fairground. The Lodge had agreed in
the past to donate $1,000.00 to the cause once an established donation level was met. It has been met therefore we have made the donation. The Williams
County Poultry Growers Association raised the funds needed to start the project first therefore there was a delay in our contribution.
Jeremy Viers discussed the making of a video from the Mick Frisbie funeral. He has provided the video to Brandi for her review and approval.
Jeremy Viers discussed the figures breakout from the Cops with Kids Program provided to him by Chris Chapa. The following will high lite the results.
$61,000.00 - $63,000.00 Taken in through solicitation for Program
$19,000.00 Utilized to fund 2019 Program
200 plus kids participated in the 2019 Program, to include Special Needs Kids
Jeremy Viers discussed some information that may have been inadvertently misgiven. There was mention that the solicitors were advising that we served 300 kids
in our program along with possible other figures that were incorrect. It was determined that this will be addressed prior to our next event.
Topics discussed were:
Better documentation of kids served, taking a more accurate count of kids served and how the program has extended into the schools.
Providing an information sheet to solicitors prior to the next program with a list of events involved with the program and accurate number counts.
This is in hopes to represent the Cops with Kids Program in its full value to those served.
It was discussed of a $3,000.00 donation received for the Back Pack Program
Jeremy Viers also discussed a possible appointment to the MRDD Board to serve as a Liaison for the F.O.P. and Board.
New Business:
It was discussed that the water softener at the lodge is low on salt as well as we need water jugs. It was discussed and Justin Coffman advised that he would
follow up with Steve Jennings regarding the same.
Tyson Wasilewski brought up Friends of the NRA Calendars. Tyson advised of a Firearm Raffle all of which goes into the funding of programs through the NRA. He
advised each calendar was $50.00. He discussed a NRA Banquet that would be held at the Defiance UAW on March 7th 2020. A motion was made to purchase one
calendar at $50.00, as well as to sponsor a table at the cost of $320.00 for the NRA Banquet. The table seats eight and would be offered to F.O.P. Lodge Members
first. The motion was made by Matt Krill with a second to follow from Jason Raymond. The motion passed through voice vote without discussion.
There was discussion on possibly looking at the moving and or changing of investment options where improved returns are available. There was further discussion
on still having the accessibility of funds for programs and events that are put on each year. Stan Nihart advised there are figures available that represent what
that may look like. It was determined that Justin Coffman, Stan Nihart and Paul Zawodny would touch base to discuss the options and reallocation of funds.
A Large Screen TV was discussed for the meeting room area of the lodge. Possibly the purchase of one that was available at a reasonable cost. Discussion
was held on "Reasonable Cost" with it being known that what a new TV may be available for cost wise. Justin Coffman and others advised that they would look into
the purchase of a TV and report back with their findings.
Jeremey Viers discussed that Andy Skiles will continue to have traveling expenses incurred as he begins the remainder of treatments and follow up visits at multiple
locations. He further discussed a Gas Card for Andy to assist him during this time. He discussed a $200.00 gas card being helpful. Matt Krill made a
motion to purchase the Gas Card at $200.00 and was followed by a second from Scott Boyd. The motion passed through voice vote without discussion.
The following listed individuals were brought up for membership.
Josh Mercer (Former Member) Montpelier Police Department 10 years of service
Tracy Harding Edgerton Police Department 17 years of service
Stephanie Mills Montpelier Police Department 4 years of service
Randy Mills Montpelier Police Department 5 years of service
It was determined that "NO" Committee was needed to be formed to look into any of the listed individuals therefore causing "NO" additional Hold Over with said approval
to follow at next months meeting. Randy Buehrer made a motion to accept these individuals and was followed by a second from Steve Schlosser. The motion
passed through voice vote without discussion
A motion to adjourn was made by Gary Mohre and was followed by a second from Paul Zawodny. The motion passed through a voice vote without discussion.
Minutes scribed and typed by: Thomas J. Szymczak, Vice President
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