Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Meeting called to order by President Gale Horn at the Lodge with the following members present: Motion by T. Szymczak, 2nd by M. Krill to accept the minutes of the last meeting as posted. Motion passed after voice vote. Treasurer’s report: (refer to hard copy of minutes) It was recommended to keep 25,000.00 in the savings account and to put the rest into CDs. New CDs will be looked at for the best interest rate for the shortest time frame. Motion by J. Snivley, 2nd by J. Arnold motion passed after voice vote. New members: Steve Mendez from Stryker PD., Tracy Harding Edgerton PD. reinstatement, Jason Shaffer Edgerton PD. reinstatement, Don Bulla WCSO, Richard Shatzer WCSO honorary, Scott Boyd Edgerton PD. Motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by J. Walker motion passed by voice vote. J. Ridgway requested that the lodge purchase 2 reverse raffle tickets. The tickets are $60.00 dollars a piece and the money goes to send his son to Orlando for his sporting event. If the first place prize is won it goes back to the lodge. Motion by J. Snivley 2nd by M. Uran to purchase 4 tickets, motion passed by voice vote. The event will take place on May 16, 2009 at the Ramada Inn all interested parties will be placed in a drawing at the April meeting. Special Olympic Torch Run is requesting us to continue our support with another donation for 100.00. Motion by S. Nihart 2nd by M. Uran motion passed by voice vote. J. Arnold reported that John Doseck was hospitalized for a heart condition. He is doing well and should be back to Bryan PD soon. G. Horn suggested a computer and software be purchased for the treasurer. The computer will be used to pay bills and for the financial logs, and will be purchased at Wal*mart. Motion by M. Uran, 2nd by J. Snivley up to $750.00 motion passed by voice vote. Applications for the scholarship from the State Lodge can be submitted at this time. The scholarship is for $4,000.00 and $500.00 for the runner up. There will be a Big Game Party on Sunday February 1, 2009 please bring a passing dish hosted by G. Horn.   Also on February 21st there will be a card party hosted by J. Viers. J. Walker was also given back the credit card to buy gas and supplies since he lives in town. There being no further business, motion by T. Szymczak, 2nd by J. Ridgway to adjourn. Motion passed after voice vote. Jennifer L. BosiackiSecretary, FOP 181 - Back - |