January 2021 ZOOM Meeting

Attendance:  Scott Boyd, Justin Coffman, Nick Lanzer, Randy Bueher, Stan Nihart, Gary Mohre, Jason Raymond, Jeremy Viers, Ashley Eberly, Ken Jacobs, JR Treace.  Excused: Josh Mercer - Working

Meeting called to order by President Jeremy Viers.

Motion to approve previous meeting minutes.  Motion to approve - Jason Raymond, 2nd - Scott Boyd.  Motion Passed

Treasure's Report - Coffman  Motion to approve - JR Treace  2nd - Randy Bueher  Motion Passed

New Members Presented
Jacob Ferrebee from Edgerton PD - presented by Justin Coffman
Jordan Williams from Stryker PD - presented by JR Treace
New members were not recommended to a committee and will be voted on next meeting.

Old Business
Motion to give $350 to Bryan Rotary for Christmas Program presented by Jeremy Viers.  2nd - JR Treace  Motion Passed.

New Business
Spoke about paperwork from Auditor's Office on land usage.  There was no change so no action was needed.
Viers reminded the lodge the Bryan Area Foundation Scholarship for $1000.00 for Williams County Law Enforcement.
Motion to pay Chubb Insurance ($304.02) and Real Estate Taxes ($689.84) made by Gary Mohre.  2nd - Nick Lanzer  Motion Passed

Motion to Adjourn - Jason Raymond  2nd - Scott Boyd  Motion Passed

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