Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Meeting called to order by president Jeremy Viers at the Lodge with the following members present: Jeff Arnold, Matt Arnold, Kevin Beck, Jennifer Bosiacki, Scott Boyd, Corey Bush, Chris Chapa, Rachelle Delno, John Doseck, Matt Franzdorf, Steve Grimes, Jennifer Hern, Matt Krill, Nick Lanzer, Stan Nihart, Bill Noethen, Jason Randall, Greg Ruskey, Jim Snivley, Tom Szymczak, Matt Uran, Jeremy Viers, Jim Walker and Tyson Wasilewski.  Excused members were Dan Griffin, Gale Horn, Jeremy Jones, Gary Mohre, Randy Mohre, and Mario Rodriguez.

Motion by J. Snivley, 2nd by M. Arnold to accept the minutes of the last meeting as posted.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Treasurer’s report:  (refer to hard copy of minutes)
Motion by C. Bush, 2nd by M. Krill to accept Treasurer's report.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Motion to accept new member Paul Zawodny was passed after voice vote.

Stan Nihart recommended that we look for someone new to buy our pizzas from for the Shop with a Cop Christmas party as this year some of them were burnt.  Jeff Arnold stated that this was the first year for Tano's working with us and they gave us the best deal which was approximately $6 a pizza and we ordered 55 Large pizzas from them.  Stan Nihart stated that we might want to let them know that some of them were burnt and see if they will give us credit on the burnt ones.  Stan Nihart would like to check for a better pricing.

Jeremy Viers went over the highlights of last year which was the Superbowl party, a donation of $1000 to the Red Cross, the golf outing, $9000 in Scholarships, $250 to the T. Arnold Scholarship fund, we can become members of Gen Fed Credit Union, Octoberfest, Torch Run for Special Olympics, Shop with a Cop, and the Christmas party.

Jeremy Viers stated the Superbowl party is set for February 7, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.

Grand Lodge Scholarships applications are available on their website for anyone wanting to apply.

Matt Arnold requested to look for fundraisers for the Tara Arnold Scholarship fund.  Matt Arnold was thinking of using the golf outing for this.  Motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by C. Bush for Bill Noethen to put $750 into the T. Arnold Scholarship fund.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Motion by J. Arnold, 2nd by T. Szymczak to donate $250 to the Theta Kappa Sorority Easter Egg Hunt.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Bill Noethen request that we look into getting a new furnace for the Lodge.  This last month the propane bill was $561, which was for only 26 days.  Bill Noethen stated that the current furnace is only running about 65% efficient and we need it to be at least 95% efficient.  Bill Noethen stated that if we went with electric it would help as Edgerton Electric is the cheapest around.  Motion by Stan Nihart to get a committee for a new furnace with the committee made up of C. Bush, J. Viers, B. Noethen, and M. Uran.  Committee will get prices around for another meeting.  Corey Bush stated that it will help right now to get a programmable thermostat.

A committee was set up for the golf outing with member on the committee being B. Noethen and P. Zawodny with S. Nihart and J. Viers working on the food part of the golf outing.

Jeremy Viers is setting up an FOP Facebook page.  If will have all the topics of events coming up and also other discussions from the meeting.  Jeremy Viers stated that you will have to be invited to be a member of the Facebook FOP page and will have to be accepted.

There being no further business, motion by M. Krill, 2nd by T. Szymczak to adjourn.  Motion passed after voice vote.

Rachelle M. Delno
Secretary, FOP 181

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