January 23, 2018
Captain Custar Lodge Secretary Report

Meeting called to order by Vice President, Tom Szymczak at the Lodge with following members present:  Gary Mohre, Stan Nihart, Nick Lanzer, John Doseck, Steve Schlosser, Tim Livengood, Justin Coffman, Scott Boyd, and Andy Skiles.  Asked to be excused: Tyson Wasilewski.

Motion by Steve Schlosser, 2nd by Tim Livengood to accept November minutes as posted.  Motion passed by voice vote.

Treasurer’s Report: Refer to hard copy
Motion by Tim Livengood, 2nd by Justin Coffman to accept treasurer’s report.  Motion passed by voice vote.

Old Business:
Tom Szymczak acknowledged his appreciation of all the officers that helped and how well it went with Cops with Kids.
A discussion between members to find more help from teenagers or groups to help with set up for future events.
A thank you was received from the PATH Center.

New Business:
Gary Mohre brought up a special detail he did in Blakeslee that thanked people for driving safe and to have a good holiday.  Had good responses and a way to show appreciation to citizens.
Stan Nihart received a letter from Theta Kappa Sorority requesting a donation for the Easter Egg Hunt.  Motion by Steve Schlosser, 2nd by Tim Livengood to donate $50.00.  Motion passed by voice vote.
Stan Nihart requested either a donation or purchase gun raffle tickets to Shane Smith (Bryan city employee) for his daughter for travel expenses to Europe to play softball.  Motion by Justin Coffman, 2nd by Scott Boyd to purchase ten tickets in the raffle for a total of $100.00.  Motion passed by voice vote.

Motion by Gary Mohre, 2nd by Steve Schlosser to adjourn.  Motion passed by voice vote.

Minutes typed by:
Andrew Skiles, Secretary

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